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Recent photo of Russian President Vladimir Putin suggests that there's something to all those rumors that he's losing what's left of his mind

There’s been a lot of speculation about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s mental stability these days.

We can’t for the life of us imagine why:


You know what they say:

Possibly the only thing worse than a power-hungry homicidal authoritarian despot is an insane power-hungry homicidal authoritarian despot.


Seriously, who looks at this and sees a man with his wits about him?

Something sure as hell broke it.

Putin’s not playing with a full deck. Unfortunately, he is playing with a powerful military.

Pray for Ukraine — and for the Russian people who are cursed with a madman for a leader. But hopefully there’s still a light at the end of this long, long tunnel.

Because, at the very least, this image is certainly instructive … maybe in more ways than one:

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