Meghan McCain’s been trending on Twitter today. That may have something to do with her suggesting that the Fox News Christmas tree getting set on fire is a disturbing development in the public discourse.
Molly Jong-Fast found McCain’s frustration at the state of New York City pretty hilarious for some reason:
Started ///// going
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) December 8, 2021
Former adviser to Vice President Joe Biden Jon B. Wolfsthal is also amused:
Or at least he was amused … until McCain responded:
I don’t live in NYC anymore – haven’t for almost 2 years.
Also my favorite thing some people like you do is gaslight Americans into thinking there should be an expectation of violence, chaos and overall societal breakdown in major cities or it makes you a wuss.
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) December 8, 2021
Yeah, since when should we be grateful for the societal breakdown we’re dealing with just because it might be a little less breakdown-y today than it was yesterday?
Speaking of tame stuff, McCain’s subsequent response to Wolfsthal’s smug tweet was pretty tame stuff (definitely tamer than he deserved for being such a butthead):
Also with assholes like you advising Joe Biden, I wonder why his first year has been so bad!
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) December 8, 2021
But you’d think McCain would’ve threatened to kidnap everyone in Wolfsthal’s family by the way he reacted:
Um … yes?
HA! People tweet they want to murder me like every 3 seconds on here!
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) December 8, 2021
Insulting? Absolutely. Abusive? Please.
Wolfsthal insults people’s intelligence by suggesting that McCain has violated some moral code. And he abuses Twitter’s rules by trying to get McCain into trouble for an innocuous criticism.
Like….. have you been on Twitter before?
— Seth (@seth_ingram) December 8, 2021
Do you think Twitter is responsible for making people be nice to you? Are you new here?
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) December 8, 2021
The "Participation Trophy" generation.
— Le Marquis de Morès (@Uncle_Hygelac) December 8, 2021
— siraj hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) December 8, 2021
This really is what all the Lib bullshit is about. They're idiots with dumb ideas, and they think anyone who disagrees or is mean to them online should be banned.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) December 8, 2021
To call people like Wolfsthal children would be an insult to children.
Twitter: Of course, Mr. Biden Aide, we’ll be happy to ban Mrs. McCain for being mean to you
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 8, 2021
Ugh. Let’s hope not.
Last word to McCain:
You made fun of me for being horrified by a Christmas tree being burned outside of Fox News.
There’s never any place for abuse and insults but liberal men really really love starting shit with me. Just like you did this morning. So, please…
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) December 8, 2021
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