People who think groceries are getting more expensive don’t know what they’re talking about.
Like that Texas couple raising nine kids, for example. What do they really need all that milk for, anyway?
Well, despite our lying eyes and all the people telling us that food prices haven’t ackshually really increased, it seems that food behemoth Kraft is under a different impression:
Snack scoops: Kraft will raise prices next year on Mac & Cheese, Jell-O, Bagel Bites and other stuff by up to 20%, while Mondelez will charge more for Toblerone & Sour Patch Kids
Food makers bet you'll accept paying more for the fun stuff
w @dwbronner
— Nathaniel Meyersohn (@nmeyersohn) November 4, 2021
The "upward trend in packaging, transportation, ingredients and labor costs persists, reaching levels not seen in decades," Kraft said in a letter explaining its decision to raise price on retail customers.
— Nathaniel Meyersohn (@nmeyersohn) November 4, 2021
Demand is red hot and supply is tight, leading companies to bet they have pricing power over consumers right now.
— Nathaniel Meyersohn (@nmeyersohn) November 4, 2021
Oh well. It’s not like anyone actually buys stuff like Mac ‘n Cheese or Bagel Bites or Jell-O when they’re looking for ways to feed their families on a budget or anything like that.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) November 4, 2021
This makes no sense. I have been reliably told by social media types that the businesses will just absorb impacts from taxes and inflation versus passing it to the customer. 🤔
— everyone on here is a tough guy (@schmidthawk) November 4, 2021
And then they'll lower prices thereafter as inflation is transitory…right??? RIGHT???
— TD (@TDayOnMoney) November 4, 2021
Inflation is just transitory and also only the wealthiest are affected.
The White House believes this is a "high class" problem
— Tiana Lowe (@TianaTheFirst) November 4, 2021
Anyone know what demographic buys these processed foods the most? Seems like this denial of inflation is hurting our poorest people. What a disgrace.
— KCMOTurbo (@KCMOTurbo) November 4, 2021
The Biden administration doesn’t care who they’re hurting. And they’re hurting more and more people every day.
— Dan Goldwasser (@dgoldwas) November 4, 2021
A *20%* increase in the cost of food.
And the Biden Administration said inflation wouldn't be a problem.
They have zero credibility.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) November 4, 2021
Price increases now creeping into 2022 and long term permanence. Biden’s economy is a train wreck in slow motion.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) November 4, 2021
Don’t worry. The train still has plenty of speed to gather before it totally crashes.