You know, guys, we’re starting to think this wokeness thing might be getting out of hand.
Over to you, Slate parenting advice column:
“Are we allowed to wear clothing that they wear in another country?” – an apparently fully functioning adult in the year 2021.
— Christoph (@Halalcoholism) June 3, 2021
Japanese friend: Here is a gift of clothing, please wear it
Non-Japanese weirdo: But I’m worried that wearing it might be racist against you
— Christoph (@Halalcoholism) June 3, 2021
Here’s the letter, in case you’d like to read it:
The gist of the response is basically that concerned anti-racist white mom is right to be concerned about offending a Japanese-American person by letting her daughter wear a kimono gifted to her by said Japanese-American person, but that she can still let her daughter wear the kimono at home and also teach her about the dangers of cultural appropriation.
So, we’re really doing this, huh?
Wokeness as upper-middle-class neurosis. (h/t @Halalcoholism)
— Jon Gabriel (@exjon) June 3, 2021
What a great way to put it.
Why are you so offended?
— Bat The Drummer (@MatofKilburnia) June 3, 2021
He’s not offended; he’s amused.
seems highgly revealing that conservatives are kicking up a fuss over this question and skipping over the (entirely reasonable and moderate) answer, because what they really resent is the implication that they might have to ask
— Sam Adams (@SamuelAAdams) June 3, 2021
No, we read the answer. And it’s still dumb, because it should’ve consisted solely of information on how to find a good therapist. But, to be fair, the answer was not nearly as dumb as the question it was responding to.
We keep forgetting that Slate is the moral arbiter of cultural relations.
— Jon Gabriel (@exjon) June 3, 2021
Do … do they think he was laying a trap for her?
— Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe) June 3, 2021
That was one crafty godfather.
— Jon Gabriel (@exjon) June 3, 2021
Those Japanese-American godfathers can be so sneaky!
The concept of a Godfather is part of western culture, why would they put someone from outside that oppressive culture in such an uncomfortable position in the first place? Seems like they already are the monster they're afraid of being.
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) June 3, 2021
Translation: "Should we defecate all over our kid's godfather because he wanted to share his heritage with his godchild"
— I. Noah Guy (@Decentguyusedto) June 3, 2021
She's so concerned about offending "Hypothetical Japanese Person", that she's verging on offending her actual Japanese friends, and low-key insulting her own daughter as well.
— Lilith the Cat (@TehLilNinja) June 3, 2021
"Was my child's godfather accidentally racist against himself?" is pure galaxy brain content.
— Amy Miller (@ThatAmyMiller) June 3, 2021
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