What are we gonna do with Piers Morgan? We’re not entirely sure. He doesn’t fit into a neat little box anymore.
On the one hand, he’s a liberal with a major hangup about guns. On the other hand, he’s become one of the loudest media voices denouncing wokeness and cancel culture.
Recently, he’s come under fire for criticizing Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Because it’s definitely not woke to point out that those two are incredibly, annoyingly self-righteous and all-around irritating. It’s also not inherently racist to point that out, though some people would like to paint it in that light.
Morgan has a message for all those people:
Memo to all high-profile, insufferably woke, unctuously virtue-signalling, shamefully race-baiting hypocrites: I'm watching, and I will retaliate.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) March 16, 2021
Well, if nothing else, we’re intrigued.
— BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl) March 17, 2021
What does Morgan have in mind, exactly, as far as retaliation is concerned?
Whatever it is, Morgan’s critics don’t seem too worried about it:
Oh Noes. Piers is coming to get me! So Scary pic.twitter.com/el3cN9G3Em
— Geoffrey (@TheGeoffey) March 17, 2021
Who do you think you are Liam bloody Neeson??
— Rob Edwards (@orient1881) March 16, 2021
I miss Trump and his lunatic tweets so thank heaven Morgan has more time on his hands to produce comedy gold like this.
— Darren Elgar (@ElgarDarren) March 16, 2021
Imagine being a grown man and saying stuff like this.
???— Sean (@ItsSeansTweets) March 17, 2021
I followed you tonight out of curiosity as I’ve always found you boring and insincere before. I shouldn’t have bothered, no substance here, just someone crying out for attention and still insincere.
— Stephen McCaw (@bungriemoog) March 16, 2021
Anyway, Morgan’s got a fair amount of support, too:
I didn’t like the guy. However, Piers is one of the very few who publicly call Markle out. Like it or not she needs to provide evidence for her claims.
— Scott (@redparaman) March 16, 2021
I cannot wait for this.
We may not share love of football teams but we share the same thoughts and values against today's 'woke brigade'
Give them hell piers
— kyle jones (@kajethaCelt) March 17, 2021
Excellent. Thank you for speaking for myself and many others.
— Michael (@Michael54129932) March 17, 2021