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Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif calls on international community to condemn Israeli 'terrorists' for alleged murder of top nuclear scientist

A little bit of good news to perk up your Black Friday … if you needed some.

The pride of Iran’s nuclear program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, has reportedly been assassinated:

Right here:

Fakhrazideh was not the best of dudes.

A day when a powerful state sponsor of terrorism like Iran takes a hit is a good day.

You hate to see it.


We have no doubt that some of the Obama administration’s brightest stars are currently in mourning, rending their garments and everything.

And we can confirm with certainty that Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif is beside himself:

We don’t know whether or not Israel had anything to do with it. But keep in mind that Israel is the root of all evil, according to reasonable people like Javad Zarif.

Maybe the international community will “condemn this act of terror.” After all, much of the international community hates Israel and has no problem with Iran’s desires to wipe it off the map.

But if Zarif is looking for sympathy, he’s gonna have to look a little harder around here.

Still, though, it’s possible he’ll find the right tree and start barking loudly enough.

Maybe for now. We’ll see what happens in a few months.

Watch them try to pretend anyway.


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