Listen up, Donald Trump. Bill de Blasio has some thoughts about your poor handling of the COVID19 crisis:
We are the epicenter of the crisis and too often we're fighting this battle alone. We haven't hesitated. We need the Federal Government to do the same.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) April 20, 2020
Mr. President, when the airline industry was in trouble you gave them $58 billion. But when cities and states are pleading for help you're silent. The world is watching. Say the word and the Senate will act. Without aid, our city won't recover — and neither will the country.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) April 20, 2020
Pretty tough talk, Mr. Mayor.
Lots to unpack here…
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) April 20, 2020
Actually, there’s not that much to unpack. Bill de Blasio’s trying to shirk responsibility for making the worst possible COVID19 response decisions at every turn.
How did that happen?
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) April 20, 2020
How's the gym
— Ben McDonald (@Bmac0507) April 20, 2020
We hear it’s lovely this time of year.
No hesitation at all.
— .?.Badaisè (@DBadaise) April 20, 2020
— Rob from Jersey (@Robsgymnasium) April 20, 2020
Pretty sure you hesitated
— Jennifer (@JennSalerno310) April 20, 2020
Just a smidgen.
Yeah, you’ve been all over it right from the start. At the tip of the spear in NYC’s battle against coronavirus. Oh wait, that’s not true…?What a joke you are.
— BlackJack (@BlackJackBoGre1) April 20, 2020
The kind of joke we can’t even laugh at because so many people got screwed over thanks to him.
This crisis is like nothing we've ever seen. No one knows how this will go but we CAN say that this crisis has an end point.
Are New Yorkers strong enough, tough enough and resilient enough to get to that point? The answer is yes.
And I have no doubt we'll make it.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) April 20, 2020
If New York City gets through this crisis, it will be despite Bill de Blasio; not because of him.
You killed your own city.
— Joe Cunningham (@JoePCunningham) April 20, 2020
You are a damned disgrace. Resign now.
— Zombie Mencken (@UisgeGamer) April 20, 2020
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