Finally! At long last, Brian Stelter is calling out a media outlet that isn’t Fox News!
Too bad it’s over the Philadelphia Inquirer using one of his tweets in an op-ed to argue that Neil Gorsuch’s scandalous recent appearance on “FOX & Friends” wasn’t actually all that scandalous:
It is surreal to see 3 tweets, including one of mine, used as the basis of a long op-ed in the Philly Inquirer. Humble suggestion: Debate tweets here on Twitter! Use print editorial space for more important, and local, issues.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) December 23, 2019
Yeah, Philly Inquirer! Take a cue from America’s hall monitor and use your platform for more important, more serious journalism! Like Brian Stelter does.
You, sir, lack self awareness
— Tony Jewell (@TonyJewell) December 24, 2019
Zero self awareness.
— Mr. Nuclear Cocaine (@MrNukemCocaine) December 23, 2019
Brian Stelter: “Debate tweets on Twitter!”
Also Brian Stelter:
— Wesley Mullins (@wesleyamullins) December 23, 2019
Come on Brian… here are 875 Google results for 'site: "by Brian Stelter" Trump Tweets'
— Dan McDermott (@danielpmcdermot) December 23, 2019
You think the president is the same as a CNN journalist? That would be sad
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) December 23, 2019
You’re a CNN “journalist,” Brian. That’s sad.
Do you even watch your own show
— Harry Khachatrian (@Harry1T6) December 23, 2019
You use your tweet subjects for content on your show ALL THE TIME.
— crazybaldhead (@alexbaldman) December 23, 2019
You have an entire show centered around tweets. Humble suggestion: Debate tweets here on Twitter! Use television airtime for more important, and local, issues.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) December 23, 2019
AYFKM? Brian you use a national TV show to talk about tweets — but a newspaper isn’t allowed to? You’re beyond parody.
— JERRY DUNLEAVY (@JerryDunleavy) December 23, 2019
Well, what can Brian say? He’s special. He’s very special.
I’m so sorry this is happening to you.
— RG Jordan (@RGJordanWords) December 23, 2019
— YinzerHotTakes (@yinzersports45) December 23, 2019
Poor Brian.
Suggestion: CNN should avoid telling other media how to do journalism.
— Baseball Guy from Cali (@baseball_cali) December 23, 2019