Were you still thinking about going to see “Ford v. Ferrari”? Well, before you buy your tickets, there’s something you should know: it focuses almost exclusively on straight, white men.
At long last, I am unable to evenhttps://t.co/tKw7q1tk1R
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
While I was watching this movie, I was just wondering when a leftist hack would come up with a take like this. F'ing loser. H/t @neontaster pic.twitter.com/oe0JG4PtTO
— ConservativeBlackMan ???? (@NevilleD35) November 21, 2019
That “leftist hack” honor goes to Bloomberg News’ Hannah Elliott, who blew the lid off of this affront to diversity.
This piece was written by someone who supposedly likes cars based on her Twitter profile, but I'm not sure I buy it.
— NeoN: Automataster (@neontaster) November 21, 2019
Imagine having to balance your love of cars with your disdain for the straight white men who worked on and raced them. It’s gotta be difficult.
Oh FFS, they ruin everything.
— I’m Jim Acosta’s Love Child (@JimAcostaJr) November 21, 2019
It's the real life non-ironic version of the sarcastic "Why are there are only three lines of dialogue for women in Private Ryan" hot takes from a few years ago.
— You Should Have Voted Gary (@colorblindk1d) November 21, 2019
Jesus Christ, some of these people are so myopic they can't see past their own nose.
Not every movie is for every audience. That's the nature of economics.
To say that a period-correct view of the Ford/Ferrarri competition is period-correct, and then disdain it, is silly.
— Erik the Redhead (@EarnieBliss) November 21, 2019
These hacks want filmmakers to just add a black person into a film so they can call it diverse for diversity's sake. Such patronizing BS.
That'd be like a white person complaining about a movie set in Harlem in 1920 and wondering why there weren't any white people in it. SMH— ConservativeBlackMan ???? (@NevilleD35) November 21, 2019
We’re gonna give the last word to Iowahawk, because he’s one of those awful “car guys” and also he should pretty much have the last word on everything:
I demand Hollywood produce a female-centric reboot of the LeMans '66 story, with Betty Friedan & Germaine Greer beating the Ford/Ferrari patriarchs in a solar powered Feminista GT, designed by Rosie the Riveter, at the Mount Holyoke Women's Racecar Collective & Action Center
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
And don't even get me started on that phallocentric "Saving Private Ryan" sausage fest
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
It would be fun to see male movie critics demand dude-centric reboots of "Little Women" and "9 To 5," with non-stop car crashes and kung fu fights
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
Luckily we already have a movie showing female drivers in a '66 Ford pic.twitter.com/67SeMKYrql
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
Seriously, if you want to see a great biographical movie about a real female 1960s racing heroine, here you go. Otherwise, *let people enjoy things.* pic.twitter.com/hnrtv8mQyo
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
True story, I own a '66 Ford T-Bird convertible, and I hide the keys from my wife because of that movie
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
I actually understand the lack-of-diversity rap on GoT, or Star Wars for that matter, because it's a fantasy story.. By contrast Ford v Ferrari is a historical drama, about actual events, and the characters were who they were.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
Seriously, I'm all in favor of superhero / fantasy flicks having diverse casts to help appeal to girls and minority kids, whether or not it ruins some middle aged dude's childhood. It's weird to complain "a chick couldn't do that" about a movie with people flying around in tights
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
But hey, if someone wants to make a potboiler biopic about the workplace harassment lawsuit filed against Carroll Shelby one month before he died of renal failure, be my guest, enjoy the boffo box office on that one
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 21, 2019
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