Have you ever wondered if you’re a bigot? Well, thanks to this handy sign, you can finally find out once and for all:
You guys, the campus socialists might have one-upped Westborough Baptist ? pic.twitter.com/SGcTNfJ9OP
— Daniel G. Weldon II ?☀️ (@DanWeldonFL) April 24, 2019
I’m pretty sure only like 12 people don’t fall into at least one of these catalogues seeming as “heteros” and “cis-men” are on the list :/
— Daniel G. Weldon II ?☀️ (@DanWeldonFL) April 24, 2019
Did they leave anyone off?
Tag yourself, I'm "Imperialists" https://t.co/7ad0kSHthE
— Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) April 24, 2019
I'm "Landlords"
— siraj hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) April 24, 2019
Alright I'll take "Hetero" but not because I want to.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) April 24, 2019
Ooo! Can we be “bourgeoisie”?
I have Q's: Is there a compounding ratio? If I'm a "Nice" PhiGam, hetero, YAFer whose made a few bucks in business, is it worse than being just a woke, Ally Nazi who tips well and runs the yellow?
— Chip Borman (@ChipBorman) April 24, 2019
They’ll have to get back to you. Maybe after they answer a few other questions:
Hating "rapists" and "abusers" and also "cops" and "wardens" is ???
— Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) April 24, 2019
Hey, it doesn’t have to make sense. It’s all about the feels, man.
"Horny men on the TL" https://t.co/hVv14iFg8V
— prop op (@ProperOpinion) April 24, 2019
Interesting how they lump people who stop at yellow lights in with the KKK
— Zach (@zwillh) April 24, 2019
My favourite thing on this list is they wrote down "People who don't tip" and then next on the list their minds went to "nazis" hahahaha
— ItsNotWhoYouThink (@ItsNotWhoYouTh3) April 24, 2019
I love that the person who made this sign thought of "people who don't tip" before they thought of "Nazis." https://t.co/OPuY4aD7Mj
— neontaster (@neontaster) April 24, 2019
i, too, hate the people who don’t tip and creationists. eternal damnation awaits. pic.twitter.com/UdazSZyjRC
— ian parish (@itplol) April 24, 2019
“People who stop at yellow lights” deserve a special place in Hell.
— Daniel G. Weldon II ?☀️ (@DanWeldonFL) April 24, 2019
This I can absolutely agree with. They lost me with “people who don’t tip nazis” though. It’s a personal mission of mine to specifically not tip nazis.
— Matt A (@MattyThrice) April 24, 2019
They specifically hate Ben Shapiro. Why did he get his own spot? I want my own spot!
— Name cannot be blank (@doubledfax) April 24, 2019
and then the very next one is Richard Spencer who of course hates Ben Shapiro. LOL
— Constitutional Tris (@_RPTC4) April 24, 2019
I'm #NeverTrump /#RepublicansForImpeachment , queer and black and I'm 90% sure I fall somewhere on this. pic.twitter.com/sCzxLEthDE
— Salty Nymph of Evil (@ComrieQuinn) April 24, 2019
I like how they put Libertarians right next to fascists
— aj (@Skunky123Aj) April 24, 2019
I will get back at everyone who was mean to me in high school! pic.twitter.com/HqVlozf5ED
— That ΛMӨΣBΛ Guy ? (@amoebakanon) April 24, 2019
You’ll be hearing from my lawyer pic.twitter.com/7u7od4gvup
— Justin (@thee_best_smart) April 24, 2019
This can’t be real.
— David Saul Acosta (@davidsaulacosta) April 24, 2019
We need it to be, though.
When you get your sign ideas for dudes who yell angy Bible verses on street corners, it might be time to rethink your marketing strategy, even if you think it's "ironic." https://t.co/VMQbaO6mub
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) April 24, 2019
The misery that awaits you is being lectured by the person who will eventually hold this sign. https://t.co/VMQbaO6mub
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) April 24, 2019
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