Here’s how Planned Parenthood’s activist arm (no pun intended) is celebrating National Poetry Today:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Senators vote NO on #Kavanaugh
Or else we're coming for you#NationalPoetryDay #StopKavanaugh— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) October 4, 2018
Is that supposed to be cute? Clever? Because it’s neither.
Taking time out of your work of conducting a genocide of minority race babies?
That's nice.
— Sarah (@mamaswati) October 4, 2018
Apparently they’ve decided it’s time to move on from killing unborn babies to taking out fully grown adults.
Is this a threat? Reads like one.
— Mickey White (@BiasedGirl) October 4, 2018
An open threat against US Senators from @PPact.
Is this okay, @Twitter?
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) October 4, 2018
Like doxxing republican senators? Or like how Paul was attacked in his yard? Or Cruz ambushed in a restaurant? Or McConnell at the airport? I’ll omit the baseball field. You should clarify this. The left interprets everything to mean violence except when they say it.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) October 4, 2018
GP Not content to murder babies in their mothers' wombs, Planned Parenthood now steps up to threatening to murder fully born US Senators.
— The Gormogons (@Gormogons) October 4, 2018
What do you think of this poem, Planned Parenthood Action?
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Threatening your funders
Is not smart of you— Nancy Hirst (@GreatGramGreen) October 4, 2018
Keep up the good work, Planned Parenthood.
I’d like to remind you this disgusting partisan organization is funded by your tax dollars and is threatening sitting US Senators.
— Liberty Likes Beer ? (@LibertyJen) October 4, 2018
Roses are red
Babies are dead
You sell their body parts
Go f*ck yourself— Orange Muppet Energy (@sunnyright) October 4, 2018
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