You know what this Kavanaugh-Ford fiasco’s been missing? A celebrity-centric video!
Well, good news: The wait is over. Because this is a thing:
We want you to know that you are not alone. You are a survivor. Millions of us have your back.
We call on Senators to demand a full, fair and trauma-informed investigation.
Your Sisters— Paola Mendoza (@paolamendoza) September 19, 2018
#DearProfessorFord, your sisters have a message for you: we believe you. We call on Senators to demand a full, fair and trauma-informed investigation.
— Amber Tamblyn (@ambertamblyn) September 19, 2018
Please watch. Please call. Please don’t let our “leaders” send a message to our nation that assault and violence against women isn’t worth investigating.
— Felicia Day (@feliciaday) September 19, 2018
Christine Blasey Ford and her legal team have thus far failed to make a credible, evidence-based case against Brett Kavanaugh, but hey, her celebrity “sisters” say she’s credible so what more evidence do we need, really?
Sitting here trying to hold it together in this car dealership. This was beautiful and powerful. Thank you.
— Woobie?Tuesday (@WoobieTuesday) September 19, 2018
Yeah, we’re struggling to hold it together, too. Between the eye rolls and hysterical laughter, we’re a mess.
This is a parody of every other celebrity PSA, right?
Oh, gosh. It's not.
— Christian Toto (@HollywoodInToto) September 19, 2018
— Kyle Franklin (@frnklns4k) September 19, 2018
The Anita Hill quote at the end made me lose it.
— Roger Gibson (@pizza_santa) September 19, 2018
Have we reached Peak stupid?
No… sadly… no.
— Big Ol Sgt. (@herbegerenews) September 19, 2018
Editor’s note: This post has been updated with an additional tweet.
Alyssa Milano supports Christine Blasey Ford’s ‘brave decision’ — there’s just one problem
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