As Twitchy told you, ThinkProgress got fact-checked on Facebook by the conservative Weekly Standard, who caught them in a bald-faced lie about Brett Kavanaugh.
Based on the name “Reliable Sources” alone, you’d think that Brian Stelter’s CNN show would be committed to factual accuracy. So the “Reliable Sources” newsletter should be applauding Facebook for giving the Weekly Standard the opportunity to hold ThinkProgress accountable for their lie, right?
Facebook does exactly what CNN has been harping about for months but it’s problematic because a liberal outlet got hit.
— BT (@back_ttys) September 12, 2018
It’s a good thing CNN doesn’t have an “ideological bent”.
— BT (@back_ttys) September 12, 2018
“The fact check was accurate, but Judd’s thread was viral.” – says so much about the sorry state of media.
— BT (@back_ttys) September 12, 2018
As I said earlier today, the question Oliver should be asking is why facebook’s other fact-checking partners didn’t act on thinkprogress’s post.
— BT (@back_ttys) September 12, 2018
Don’t get mad at the conservative outlet when the so-called non-ideological fact checkers allow a lie to go unchallenged.
— BT (@back_ttys) September 12, 2018
This whole thing is especially rich when you recall these same people got upset that Facebook allowed a mock interview to stay up even though it wasn’t labeled satire.
— BT (@back_ttys) September 12, 2018
CNN puts #FactsFirst … unless those facts make liberals look bad.
This is incredible. @ReliableSources newsletter admits @weeklystandard fact check is accurate and instead of holding @thinkprogress to account, does absurd pearl clutching about how the right can't fact check the left because we can't agree on the facts
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) September 12, 2018
What else is new?
This is incredible. Wow
— Andrea Howe (@andreavhowe) September 12, 2018
The title of this newsletter and that show is complete false advertising
— commonsense (@commonsense258) September 12, 2018
This tempest *should* prompt more people to ask whether Facebook should be in the fact-checking business in the first place. Instead I'm seeing warnings about the dangers of "ideological" factcheckers from people who breathe ideology.
— Jesse Walker (@notjessewalker) September 12, 2018
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