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'FAKE NEWS'! Lefty media outlet SHAMELESSLY whitewashes Obama's legacy [video]

Lefties seem to be under the impression that Donald Trump’s growing list of problems and potential scandals somehow renders Barack Obama’s presidential record spotless. NowThis News, for example, apparently spent eight years under a rock, completely unconscious:


Oh, really?

That take may be good enough for perpetually aggrieved snowflake Michael Skolnik …

But here in the real world, we know better.

Reminder: NowThis is the same outlet that used an Obama-era photo to slam Trump on immigration earlier this year. They seem to have a blind spot when it comes to Obama.

The tan suit is great and all, but what about Barack Obama’s other greatest hits?


NowThis … is bullsh*t.



‘GO F*CK YOURSELVES’! NowThis vomits up ‘absolutely PATHETIC’ hit on Nikki Haley

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