As Twitchy told you, the New York Times responded to the uproar over new hire Sarah Jeong’s racist tweets with a pathetic “statement” that no one in their right mind would believe.
Which explains why Resistance warrior and endlessly irritating Dr. Eugene Gu is not only swallowing it but adding to its stupidity with this take:
Sarah Jeong is being targeted by the white supremacy movement on social media. I will not stand silent about this, no matter the backlash. Asian Americans have been silent for far too long and we should not be shamed into silence forever.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) August 2, 2018
Did you pull a muscle with that reach, Eugene? Good thing you’re a doctor!
Wait, so the white supremacy movement made her tweet that racist stuff so they could attack her?
Those brilliant bastards
— Sierra Marlee (@Sierra_Marlee) August 2, 2018
Just because she’s Asian doesn’t mean she has a free pass to be a racist against others. Doesn’t work like that, bud.
— Staci ? ?? (@Staciopath) August 2, 2018
Plain and simple.
Exit question for the not-so-good doctor:
Hey buddy, don’t you have random medical students to go harass with alt-accounts, or something?
— James Hasson (@JamesHasson20) August 2, 2018
‘WUT?’ Sarah Jeong’s ‘statement’ about being exposed as racist is some straight-up BULLSH*T
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