Call us crazy, but if you’re going to market yourself as a “fact checker,” you should probably be interested in checking your facts. Which is why it might be time for the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler to consider a career change:
Trump supporters are claiming his "animals' comment was really about MS-13. Perhaps, but as usual Trump speaks so imprecisely that it's ambiguous IMHO. But here's a sharp push-back to the Trumpian spin –>
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) May 17, 2018
First of all, this? This is not “a sharp push-back to the Trumpian spin”:
I’m going to try to summon the patience that wasn’t in me last night on the off chance there’s someone out there who sincerely imagines the context here to be exculpatory.
— Julian Sanchez (@normative) May 17, 2018
If anything, it supports the contention that Trump was referring to MS-13 and not illegal immigrants as a collective group.
And second of all, it’s not just “Trump supporters” who are calling out the media and liberals (but we repeat ourselves) for misrepresenting Trump’s remarks. In case Kessler hasn’t noticed, a lot of anti-Trump conservatives also understand the importance of context and are intellectually honest enough to call B.S. when they see it.
Kessler could learn a lot from those people.
C’mon everybody. Words and context are hard for Glenn to understand. Give him a break. ?
— Wendy ? Bear (@wendyscott73) May 17, 2018
Fact checker? Really?
— Radiant Space Bat (@RadiantSpaceBat) May 17, 2018
This is a lie.
"Fact Checker"
Can't read a transcript.— Darrell West (@darrellpwest) May 17, 2018
LMFAO Yes a fact checker at the Washington Post that can't read or even watch a video.
— Stephen McLean (@sfm_42) May 17, 2018
It was in response to a question about MS-13. Are you even trying here?
— The Crazee™ Code ? (@Crazizzle) May 17, 2018
not claiming anything, watch the video, guess thats hard for you.
— dreamweaver1984 (@LexSportsCards) May 17, 2018
Well, u r an idiot if you saw it any other way. Quite obviously was in reference to MS-13. But that doesn’t meet ur narrative, so can’t let that get in ur way
— Adam Seemiller (@see081480) May 17, 2018
So Glenn & Max, which is worse? Trump's imprecise ability to orate or MSM PURPOSELY editing video & manipulating people saying Trump meant all immigrants?
— The Alt-Middle (@thealtmiddlenet) May 17, 2018
Trump's characteristic imprecision is a problem, it's true.
A big part of why is that the MSM will always promote the worst possible interpretation, no matter how implausible. His imprecision gives them cover for their bias.
— Dodd (@Amuk3) May 17, 2018
It's more telling that you're pulling the quote from a twitter feed that calls Trump a "textbook racist." As a fact checker for the Washington Post, do you typically receive information from such biased sources?
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 17, 2018
I'm sorry if you aren't intelligent enough to follow a conversation where one person is talking about MS-13, and another then comments on that topic. Is that not how normal convos go?
— Blake Brown (@CFieldofDreams) May 17, 2018
There is zero ambiguity, you incredible hack
— Orange Muppet Energy (@sunnyright) May 17, 2018
How ’bout that WaPo slogan, huh?
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