Is there anything on this planet — or on any planet — that Neil deGrasse Tyson won’t try to take a ginormous crap on? We know, of course, that the answer is no. And still, somehow, he manages to surprise us with just how awful and hacky he really is.
It’s been over a month since “Chappaquiddick” was released, but it took Neil until today to find a way to ruin it. Probably because it takes a lot of time to reach this far:
Chappaquiddick occurred just 2 days before the first lunar landing. So you’d think the Film producers would get the Moon right for July 18, 1969. Kennedy sees it full, but the actual phase was a 4-day old waxing crescent that set long before the midnight tragedy. I’m just saying.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) May 10, 2018
He’s just saying, you guys.
Thought this was some NdGT parody account with this tweet until i saw the blue check.
— ????‽ (@glowingrec) May 10, 2018
You must be a lot of fun at parties.
— small charcoal grill, finger (@Harvey_S) May 10, 2018
What happened to you? You used to be cool.
— Justin Seagull (@PocketSeagull) May 10, 2018
He did? We don’t remember that.
Oh my god! Why are you obsessed with stuff like this.
— Serene-117 ? (@sharkgirl09) May 10, 2018
Because it beats being taken seriously?
So this is peak ACKSHULLY right? This meme will never be topped now
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) May 10, 2018
You're being "that guy."
— SUN. (@ictussunshine) May 10, 2018
Speaking of being “that guy,” only “that guy” would focus on the freakin’ moon instead of the fact that Ted Kennedy, you know, let a woman drown.
Glad you're focused on the important part of that movie, Neil.
— Stephen Gutowski (@StephenGutowski) May 10, 2018
Really?!! That’s the problem you have with a movie that’s about a murder involving Ted Kennedy? I’m sure Mary Jo’s family was thinking this too.
— I’m Jim Acosta’s Love Child (@JimAcostaJr) May 10, 2018
This seems…not at all important. Since the phase of the moon played no part in Kennedy leaving her to die. But way to put the focus on you.
— Hey Bartender! (@Seabee201) May 10, 2018
Too bad she never got to see the moon landing because Teddy Kennedy (D) left her to die
— Nonsense (@noncestory) May 10, 2018
Those Kennedy’s sure could use that media cycle. Leave a girl to die……oh look we just landed on the moon
— Darren VanWinkle (@Dniner) May 10, 2018
What a shame Neil wasn’t strutting his stuff back then.
you don’t have to tweet, you know
— James Grebey (@jgrebes) May 10, 2018
He really doesn’t. But if he’s going to insist on subjecting us to any more of his insights …
Maybe we should.
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