We’ve already covered Neil deGrasse Tyson twice today, which, coincidentally, is two more times than you wanted to see the name “Neil deGrasse Tyson” today. But we’d never forgive ourselves if we ignored this.
As Twitchy told you, last night, Tyson did what he does best and tried to ruin something. In this case, the word “awesome”:
In my day, the word “Awesome" was reserved for things like curing Polio and walking on the Moon, not for food or TV shows.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) April 13, 2018
He got smacked around by plenty of people for that one, but none of them left a mark quite like this one from former Dem Rep. John Dingell:
Lighten up, nerd. https://t.co/SZxWbB2iTm
— John Dingell (@JohnDingell) April 13, 2018
See, Neil? Now that is awesome! Dingell’s politics may suck, but you can’t deny the guy’s got a way with Twitter.
Drag him John.
— Acid M ? (@Wegotastone) April 13, 2018
— JessicaMarie (@reallyrealJess) April 13, 2018
— Edwin (@Tejano2100) April 13, 2018
This is going right to the top of my favourite tweet list.
— Ladiest of Heathers (@ladyheatherlee) April 13, 2018
You sir, win the internet today.
— Aaron in Transit to GA (@Aaron_in_GA) April 13, 2018
God bless you
— Rachel Lange (@SneezyPhD) April 13, 2018
.@JohnDingell is awesome, any way you look at it. https://t.co/9myRVTpTSL
— Spencer Critchley (@scritchley) April 13, 2018
Also important? This exit question:
How is it that 90 year old John Dingell can own Twitter but no US Senator can understand Facebook?
— John Simpson (@jsimpsonDC) April 13, 2018
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