As if there weren’t already enough leftist ridiculousness surrounding Ben Shapiro’s successful speech at UC Berkeley, The Hill took it upon themselves to add more fuel to the fire:
Conservative commentator to protestors at Berkeley speech: "Go to hell, you pathetic, lying, stupid jackasses"
— The Hill (@thehill) September 15, 2017
Except the “protesters” Shapiro was addressing weren’t the tiresome, run-of-the-mill student protesters; his remarks were directed at violent Antifa thugs:
False. I said this explicitly about Antifa.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 15, 2017
Click through to The Hill’s article and that becomes clear:
“Thanks to antifa and the supposed anti-fascist brigade for exposing what the radical left truly is,” Shapiro said in his speech, referring to anti-fascist, or “antifa,” activists.
“All of America is watching because you guys are so stupid. It’s horrifying, I am grateful, and you can all go to hell, you pathetic, lying, stupid jackasses,” he said.
So why couldn’t The Hill be bothered to include that detail in their tweet and headline? It’s almost as if they’re more interested in stirring the pot than they are in accurately representing what Shapiro said. But why on earth would they do something like that?
this is ridiculous, he was talking about Antifa specifically
— mason (@mpbriggs7) September 15, 2017
You left out "Antifa " in your headline
— Donna Jean (@donna_jean4) September 15, 2017
Twisted the truth again. He was speaking about Antifa specifically.
— Duke Santos 2000 (@unashamedusa) September 15, 2017
He said That to antifa
— ☠️ The Nobodies ☠️ (@bamarighttobear) September 15, 2017
This is a horrible misrepresentation, folks. Clearly directed at Antifa. Jeesh.
— Elfman12 (@Elfman12) September 15, 2017
He specifically said that about Antifa only.
— T-Covfefe (@MyPlace4U) September 15, 2017
False. Taken out of context. This remark was specifically about #Antifa. Shame on you @thehill
— @KDalious (@KaeDalious) September 15, 2017
I expect better from the hill. This is so out of context.
— Zack Pittman (@zackpittman) September 15, 2017
At least due your due diligence and get the context right. At least write a correction in the name of professional journalism.
— Fuller58 (@IowaState58) September 15, 2017
If you're going to quote someone, then do so accurately and completely.
— Tori Hart ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@ToriHart4) September 15, 2017
His words were directed at ANTIFA. This is another example of why media can't be trusted.
— Tami Lee ?? (@primemedspa) September 15, 2017
Brutal misrepresentation, watch the speech, Ben was very articulate and specific , any attempt to skew this is blatant disregard for truth
— No Bull Durham (@R_ightW_ingOil) September 15, 2017
I watched the broadcast- that was directed toward Antifa specifically. It was actually a very good interchange of ideas and I enjoyed it.
— Glenice Sells (@GleniceSells) September 15, 2017
This is false. He specifically directed this comment towards Antifa.
— Michael Hollis (@MichaelHollis89) September 15, 2017
Can't trust you now….Ben was speaking specifically about Antifa
— Art Van Delay (@_Carlos_Danger) September 15, 2017
This was directed specifically at ANTIFA Tell the truth.
— Jack Spencer (@jack31961) September 15, 2017
Holy misleading headline. It's almost like you have an agenda or something.
— Matt Kleinholz (@mkleinholzASU) September 15, 2017
So before you were constantly putting out left leaning content n now you're just purposely misleading. Used to have respect for The Hill…
— Justin (@Parks_JJ) September 15, 2017
Speaking of jackasses, shame @thehill can't distinguish violent bullies from our country's rather rich history of nonviolent protesters.
— lizbuddie (@lizbuddie) September 15, 2017
I'm disappointed you took an honest statement about AntiFa, & clickbait headlined it as if he said it to Berkeley. You just lost a reader.
— Keith Barrett (@KeithBarrett) September 15, 2017
They certainly don’t seem to have much respect for the truth.
It is just not OK to lie @thehill. Be responsible. Understand what it means to be part of a society..
— Austin Sparks (@therealZippyTWC) September 15, 2017
You people really don’t give a shit anymore, right? As long as you get the views…
— James Tony Wayne (@Yoo_Lak) September 15, 2017
What would this world be like if you guys could report what actually happened??
— Mike (@grorc) September 15, 2017
This same quote can now be directed at your fake news source.
— Bryan (@Beezy_Fresh) September 15, 2017
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