The big Women’s March on D.C. is set to take place on January 21, but feminist writer Jessica Valenti isn’t nearly as excited about it as she used to be. Thanks a lot, pro-life women!
I support @womensmarch but do not endorse collaboration with an anti-choice org that works to undermines women's access to health & safety.
— jamiaw (@jamiaw) January 16, 2017
From The Atlantic:
Pro-life women are headed to D.C. Yes, they’ll turn out for the annual March for Life, which is coming up on January 27. But one week earlier, as many as a few hundred pro-lifers are planning to attend the Women’s March on Washington, which has been billed as feminist counterprogramming to the inauguration.
But others are looking for solidarity. Many pro-life women felt just as outraged as pro-choice women about Donald Trump’s conduct and comments, including the revelation that he once bragged about groping women without their permission. For their part, the organizers say pro-lifers will be welcome to march on January 21st. A pro-life group based in Texas, New Wave Feminists, was granted partnership status on Friday. “Intersectional feminism is the future of feminism and of this movement,” said Bob Bland, one of the event’s co-chairs. “We must not just talk about feminism as one issue, like access to reproductive care.”
The pro-life movement is changing. Many young activists identify as feminists or atheists and reject a uniform alignment with the Republican Party, unlike their Phyllis Schlafly-style predecessors. Perhaps the Women’s March on Washington is a sign that feminism is changing, too, ever so slightly: a first gathering of a truly “intersectional” movement which makes room for women with diverse convictions, including a moral opposition to abortion.
Well, we certainly can’t have that.
Stand up for women! Except for the icky pro-life kind. Way to feminism, Jessica!
Because you can’t have choices if your choice isn’t my choice.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 16, 2017
Isn't inclusivity about… inclusion???
— Rick_G_MBA (@rick_g_cle) January 16, 2017
Right. Wouldn't want to include women who think aborting babies is a bad thing
— Sharlotte Jackson (@CoachSharlotte) January 16, 2017
Everyone knows 893 disparate splinter groups are far more effective than one unified group
— kilgore trout was in the loop (@KT_So_It_Goes) January 16, 2017
You should make sure to keep the @womensmarch as small and uniform as possible. That sounds wise. ?
— Andrew S. (@shoutingboy) January 16, 2017
Hate to break it to you, Jessica, but you’re doing it wrong.
Some women are less equal than others.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 16, 2017
Doesn't choice work both ways?
— xandermac (@xandermac) January 16, 2017
Because heaven forbid we work with people who disagree on one issue with us to promote things we have in common
— illinidiva (@illinidiva12) January 16, 2017
Absurd. Partnership with parts of the political right has never been more important for us than it is now.
— Deep Sense of Creeping Dread 2020 (@Deve_Dy) January 16, 2017
So its not about all women only certain women, got it.
— ??Night "Impeachment Circus” Wood✞⚭⚓ (@Shteina_Gott) January 16, 2017
Progressives: We're pro-women and inclusive
Pro-life Women: Yay, let's work together!
Progressives: Fuck you, get the fuck out of here— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 16, 2017
Feminism is not just about abortion rights you guys. It's also about belittling & ostracizing women who don't subscribe to your narrative.
— Taylor Walters (@taywaltstweets) January 16, 2017
You must drink the blood of this sacrament or you are not part of the religion.
Obey or be shunned.
— Melissa Mackenzie ? (@MelissaTweets) January 16, 2017
So stupid. They had a broad-based coalition in hand, but Jessica is just too, too, too stupid to take advantage of it.
— Crusty Gobblestein (@NathanWurtzel) January 16, 2017
pro life women harm you? You people are despicable. Ideology drives you, not concern for all women.
— Candy Lamb (@candylamb47) January 16, 2017
Bingo. Jessica doesn’t give a crap about women’s rights. For her, feminism is purely a vehicle to promote the slaughter of the unborn.
Perverse — and downright disgusting.
Because nothing says "Feminism is a movement for justice" like killing unborn women.
— Carlton Hinds (@methuselaschild) January 16, 2017
Honestly, until the last four words, no argument.
Making the slaughter of innocents a central tenet of your movement, tho…
— T. Michael (@TomCrowe) January 16, 2017
A central part of the feminism movement is murder. You are just using more sophisticated terminology.
— my politic studio (@MyPoliticStudio) January 16, 2017
If access to legal murder is central to feminism, I want no part of it.
— Andrew White (@andr3white11) January 16, 2017
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