not even trying to hide it anymore huh
— Katie Nolan (@katienolan) November 8, 2016
The election’s not over yet, but it’s never too early to start spinning a loss. Last night, facing the prospect of her hero Donald Trump getting demolished at the polls, Ann Coulter put forth the following scenario that would ensure a decisive Trump victory:
If only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America were voting, Trump would win in a 50-state landslide.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) November 8, 2016
Hold up … what? Where to even begin with a statement like that?
that is one stupid statement. sorry sweetie
— • (@bIackdot) November 8, 2016
there is so much stupidity in this tweet my head hurts
— a very bk christmas (@bkmacdonald) November 8, 2016
Ann, your side usually waits until 3 a.m. to tweet sh*t this stupid.
— Medium Happy (@jdubs88) November 8, 2016
@AnnCoulter What does "at least" four grandparents mean? Do some people have more than four?
— Pam (@lemoneyes) November 8, 2016
@dearauntierose and what does she mean by "at least 4 grandparents"? Isn't that the biological limit?
— Uncle Fuzzy (@paulland100) November 8, 2016
I know counting is a challenge @AnnCoulter but what do you mean at least 4grandparents? How many grandparents do people have on your planet?
— Noga Tarnopolsky (@NTarnopolsky) November 8, 2016
I’m pretty damn proud to say not all four of my grandparents were born here. Shows how far we’ve come.
— Anthony F. Irwin (@AnthonyIrwinLA) November 8, 2016
my 4 grandparents were born here and I didn't vote Trump, FWIW
— John Lloyd (@JohnHLloydIII) November 8, 2016
You realise you go back through enough generations of grandparents, you're mostly going to find immigrants, right?
— Daniel Benneworth-Gray (@gray) November 8, 2016
But then Trump couldn't run, since his mom and paternal grandparents weren't born in the US. So, um, yeah.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 8, 2016
By this standard, Trump wouldn't be allowed to vote.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) November 8, 2016
Good point. He and wife #1 and wife #3 couldn't vote either.
— Reina (@QueenOSarcasm) November 8, 2016
And of course Ann Coulter is still fantasizing about taking away the rights of countless American citizens. @MiladyDeBennet @AnnCoulter
— (@Brimshack) November 8, 2016
so you are denying my right to vote because my grandmother was born in England. #disgusted
— Elizabeth Anne (@ea_sebast) November 8, 2016
So all those people whose ancestors came here as slaves would vote for Trump?
— Fata Morgana (@maladamus) November 8, 2016
You might want to at least TRY not to scream "I'm a racist"
— Lora A. (@llexuus) November 8, 2016
It’s worth noting that when conservative presidential hopeful Evan McMullin tweeted this over the weekend:
We need a new conservative movement that doesn't care about color of your skin, that embraces you for who you are.
— Evan McMullin (@EvanMcMullin) November 6, 2016
He was calling for a movement that harkens back to the best of conservatism. The kind of conservatism that appeals to all races and religions. The conservatism that embraces liberty and the values that have made this nation great. Coulter’s — and the alt-right’s — version of “conservatism” is one that is warped beyond recognition. Which version will you choose?
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