We need an explainer for why Matt Yglesias is considered to be an expert on anything.
The Vox guys are really on a roll lately.
— Jason (@jasonelevation) June 16, 2016
Oy vey. If your head hurts after reading that, you’re not alone.
You are an utterly ridiculous person.
— Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock aka Kimberly (@conkc2) June 16, 2016
Now they’re just discussing what rights we should and should not have without due process.
— Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) June 16, 2016
Ugh. So much stupidity, so little time.
Firstly: Why are we denying any rights without due process? Secondly: What Const. right guarantees plane boarding? You high?
— JustAGuy (@BlockMyWords) June 16, 2016
my favorite amendment, the 48th, the right to air travel.
— SandyL (@sandylacelle) June 16, 2016
@mattyglesias Sorry? Where exactly do we get that right to board a plane?
— Searching for a REAL America 1st Party (@michaelchiav) June 16, 2016
Because the right to board a plane is specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
— Jane Galt (@WhoisJaneGalt) June 16, 2016
I didn't know it was a constitutional right to board a plane.
— Hill (@Hillhuma) June 16, 2016
Believe it or not, Matt, there’s actually an even better solution than the one you’re proposing:
how bout not doing anything unconstitutional ?
— ????? ???? ??? (@HonkyTonkJew) June 16, 2016
That seems more than reasonable, no?
What this Democratic Senator just said about guns is CHILLING
Say WHAT?! Vox reporter is ‘totally down’ with banning your rights
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