Hear ye, hear ye! Make way for the legal scholar!
Earlier this month, if you’ll recall, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo informed us that hate speech is not protected by the Constitution. And, if you’ll recall, he got spanked over his idiocy. Over and over and over again.
Well, today, he blessed us with his musings on RFRA laws:
“@sky1955: how bout we follow Gods Laws He set for society.” What about those who don't believe? Your religion is not rule for all
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 27, 2015
@ChrisCuomo @sky1955 would it not be easier to just apply the #GoldenRule to everything? Seems like a universal approach
— Rich Schultz (@motor1964) May 27, 2015
@motor1964 @sky1955 would require those who see faith as judgment to relent:"Freedom" when it comes to faith means "free to be like me"?
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 27, 2015
@ChrisCuomo I'm disappointed-this wasn't AT ALL neutral. People are losing their livelihoods, being viciously attacked for their beliefs.
— Van1 (@larryvan111) May 27, 2015
@larryvan111 the baker? The pizza shop? Do you really think business will close because they don't cater to gay marriage?
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 27, 2015
@ChrisCuomo Businesses are ALREADY being forced to comply or close, & being sued for everything they have. & you're not aware of this???
— Van1 (@larryvan111) May 27, 2015
@larryvan111 I am aware that this is being greatly exaggerated
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 27, 2015
Actually, Chris, you know what’s greatly exaggerated? Your credibility. Especially when you spew out baloney like this:
@larryvan111to What if an ambulance co or doctor won't treat gays because it offends faith? That justifiable religious freedom?
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 27, 2015
How did he manage to type that with a straight face? Because we sure as hell couldn’t read it with one.
Holy moly.
#lolwut https://t.co/iMtswOvuIT
— ?It's?Almost ⛄️Christmas? (@jtLOL) May 27, 2015
@TorchOWyatt @ChrisCuomo And which religion, pray tell, has the hypothetical text "if you are a doctor, let gay people die"?
— Neva the #1 American elbow doctor of New Jersey (@pipandbaby) May 27, 2015
Yes. Yes it is.
Not even close to the same thing. Try again. @ChrisCuomo
— Mav #TeamSnuckles (@TheMaverick21) May 27, 2015
Stop doing law, @ChrisCuomo. You suck at it. Every RFRA says rel. obj. can be overcome by compelling interests. Derp @larryvan111
— (((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) May 27, 2015
As has been repeatedly explained, that's not how RFRAs work, @ChrisCuomo. This is embarrassing. https://t.co/rmqkfFb2bv
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) May 27, 2015
Who says it can’t be both?
Because sexual orientation is tattooed on your forehead? #Strawman https://t.co/Y4MUk4sGX4
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) May 27, 2015
A few more questions for the clown:
@ChrisCuomo Do you ever do any research? Cause you seem to continuously shoot from the hip. I mean you're are journalist, right?
— Katie Scarlet (@Katiescarlet2) May 27, 2015
@ChrisCuomo how were you able to graduate from an accredited law school?
— Ryan (@chasinghumility) May 27, 2015
.@ChrisCuomo, as you continue to peddle your legal expertise on Twitter, what evidence of your achievement can you offer? @gabrielmalor
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) May 27, 2015
.@ChrisCuomo Did you just sleep through law school or what?
— Beef Supreme (@Supreme____Beef) May 27, 2015
.@ChrisCuomo which journal did you edit, if any?
What were your LSATs?
Have you ever produced a paper of scholarship?— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) May 27, 2015
@ChrisCuomo Are you ever embarrassed?
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) May 27, 2015
What? Are you smoking crack and tweeting?@ChrisCuomo
— David Walsh, Jr. (@jeffersonianguy) May 27, 2015
Parting word of advice for Mr. Cuomo:
.@chriscuomo You sound like any other imbecile from the @Salon comment section. Either BONE UP and learn this shit or SHUT THE FUCK UP
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) May 27, 2015
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