Chuck Hagel’s hitting the road, but it sounds like some of his friends might be along soon enough:
Josh Earnest admits that others in the Obama administration may depart – says he “wouldn’t be surprised”
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 24, 2014
White House spokesman: "wouldn't be surprised" if other members of national security team were to step down, not aware of any plans #Hagel
— Richard Walker (@rbsw) November 24, 2014
More Nat'l Sec departures coming? @PressSec says he knows of none, but "I would 't be surprised if somebody else makes a similar decision"
— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) November 24, 2014
.@PressSec – "I wouldn't be surprised if someone else makes a similar decision" to #Hagel – Obama admin shakeup going further?
— Molly O'Toole (@mollymotoole) November 24, 2014
Nice little revolving door the administration’s got there.
@jonkarl "I would 't be surprised if somebody else is asked to make a similar decision" <— FTFY
— Jeff E (@jeff13164) November 24, 2014
Report: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to resign
These predictions for Obama’s ‘personnel announcement’ after Hagel ouster are zing-tastic
David Limbaugh spots ‘inevitable’ downside to Chuck Hagel’s ouster
Semantics spin denied! Greta Van Susteren has a key question for WH on Hagel ouster
ISIS claims Chuck Hagel resignation as a victory and ‘celebrates with a hashtag’
Truth-boom! RESOLVED: GOP bests Obama on Hagel ouster with just 4 words, flashbacks
Whose parting hug with Obama was more awkward, Jay Carney or Chuck Hagel? [photos, video]
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