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'I was schooled!' Pro-abort actress Stephanie March gets 'lessons' from Cecile Richards [photos]

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards is out there making calls and walking streets for Wendy Davis:


It’s gonna take a lot more than that, honey. Given the current state of the Wendy Davis campaign — it being in the toilet and all — Cecile just doesn’t have enough cachet on her own. Time to bring in the big guns:

Yep, that’s Stephanie March, former “Law & Order: SVU” actress and avowed abortion fan.

No, dear. You weren’t. You were just another celebrity cog in the pro-abortion machine.


The lady on the far left looks particularly excited.

Consider that door slammed.

Editor’s note: This post has been edited to correct a typo.



Former ‘SVU’ actress gives #WomensDay shout outs to Wendy Davis, Cecile Richards [pic]

‘Peace, justice, and Wendy for All’: Former ‘SVU’ actress Stephanie March pals around with Wendy Davis [pics]

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards repeats ‘end access to birth control’ claim

Unreal: Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards ‘honored to be in church with Obama’ today

Cecile Richards loves ‘Jeopardy!’ Sanger shout-out; Pro-life activists disgusted

On day to #RememberTheAborted, Cecile Richards observes Wendy Davis’ shoes

Cecile Richards: #WhatWomenNeed for Valentine’s Day is abortion

Cecile Richards on when life begins: ‘I don’t know that it’s really relevant’

Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards fights Hobby Lobby decision with safe, legal stupidity

Pro-abort party time! Planned Parenthood fêtes ‘fearless leader’ Cecile Richards’ birthday

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