Defensive, yes. But mostly offensive.
The Senate Majority Leader apparently thinks the best way to persuade reluctant Americans to sign up for Obamacare is to insult their intelligence:
Sen @HarryReid , in support of latests O-care delay, said this is the problem: "People are not educated about how to use the internet."
— Susan Ferrechio (@susanferrechio) March 26, 2014
Watch him try to explain that, even though there’s no Obamacare “hiccup or delay” (cough, cough), people still need more time to figure out how the Internets work:
Harry Reid in support of latest O-care delay: "People are not educated about how to use the internet.”
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) March 26, 2014
There are some people who are not — like my grandchildren — who can handle everything so easily on the Internet. And these people need a little extra time … We have a lot of people just like this, through no fault of the Internet, because people are not educated on how to use the Internet.
Way to win hearts and minds, Senator!
Damn, Harry Reid is really starting to show signs of dementia. I mean, more than before.
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) March 26, 2014
Series of tubes! RT @susanferrechio: Sen. Reid in support of latest O-care delay: "People are not educated about how to use the internet."
— Brendan Buck (@BrendanBuck) March 26, 2014
Um. What? It's not old people who aren't signing up, @SenatorReid.
— RBe (@RBPundit) March 26, 2014
#projection RT @susanferrechio: Sen. Reid in support of latest O-care delay: "People are not educated about how to use the internet."
— Pouncing Coder Brad (@bradcundiff) March 26, 2014
So if I got this right, Senator Reid thinks people are smart enough to use the internet to gamble, but not to sign up for ObamaCare
— Jason Gagnon (@JasonGagnon) March 26, 2014
@BrendanBuck @EdMorrissey @susanferrechio Maybe Reid can enlighten us about the magic paper called a "spreadsheet" next.
— Just Tom (@thomasa56) March 26, 2014
MT @SenatorReid: Did you try resetting your modem?
— American Journalists Publish Chinese Propaganda (@JohnEkdahl) March 26, 2014
Talk into the machine! MT @susanferrechio: Reid in support of latest O-care delay: "People are not educated about how to use the internet."
— 100 Proof (@ChampionCapua) March 26, 2014
Harry Reid to America: You're all liars and you're stupid and don't how to use the Internet. Vote for us.
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) March 26, 2014
Seems to us that Internet illiteracy isn’t the problem. It’s boneheads like Harry Reid who won’t admit their policies suck.
Reid: "I hear this so often: 'Doctors.' Focus on the poor damn patients."
— Dan Friedman (@dfriedman33) March 26, 2014
Harry Reid on payments to doctors under Obamacare: "I hear this all the time. Doctors, doctors. Focus on the damn patients."
— Mike O'Brien (@mpoindc) March 26, 2014
His concern for the “damn patients” is admirable.
Have you ever seen Republicans try to do anything constructive about helping people get health care? They just oppose everything.
— Senator Harry Reid (@SenatorReid) March 26, 2014
If only they were more compassionate like the good senator:
Roll the tape –>
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) March 26, 2014
Another proud moment in Harry Reid’s illustrious political career.
‘Another red line ignored’: Obamacare sign-up deadline slips again
White House tries to spin latest Obamacare non-delay
‘Meltdown of the day’: Harry Reid condemns pediatric cancer patients to their fate
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