At his press conference this morning, Gov. Christie announced that he has fired deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly for her role in the “Bridgegate” scandal, effective immediately:
Christie fires Bridget Kelly: 'I terminated her employment because she lied to me.'
— Byron York (@ByronYork) January 9, 2014
Christie calls his staffer "stupid" and "deceitful"
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) January 9, 2014
Dep. CoS was "terminated". Not given the chance to resign.
Again, smart.
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) January 9, 2014
Christie has also asked consultant Bill Stepien to withdraw his name from nomination for state party chairman, and he said that Stepien will not even be considered.
Damn—–> RT @nj1015: Bill Stepien is out as RGA consultant and possible NJ GOP Chairman #bridgegate
— olliander (@ollieblog) January 9, 2014
Christie went on to say this: “If I cannot trust someone’s judgment, I cannot ask others to do so.” And tweeters can’t help but notice that they haven’t heard anything like that from President Obama. High-level officials who presided over corruption and scandal are still gainfully employed.
I am responsible for what happened – @govchristie Translation – I'm not Obama. #christiespeak
— Tony Katz (@tonykatz) January 9, 2014
Christie fired people the day after #Bridgegate broke. Lois Lerner still has full pay and benefits.
— Mike (@ThePantau) January 9, 2014
I'm no Christie fan, but he shows a stark contrast between himself and Obama in holding his people accountable for their actions. cc: Libs
— Lloyd Christmis ?? #MAGA (@LloydChristmis) January 9, 2014
Remember when Obama claimed he wasn't told about IRS by staff? Who was fired?
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) January 9, 2014
Applause for @GovChristie cleaning house over #BridgeGate. Something that Dems like Obama & Hillary never did over IRS, Benghazi, F&F.
— CatsPolitics (@CatsPolitics) January 9, 2014
Christie's Stepien firing would be like Obama canning Plouffe.
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 9, 2014
Plouffe is still around, as are these two:
Remember that Eric Holder still has his job. So does Kathleen Sebelius.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) January 9, 2014
Hope President Obama’s taking notes:
The MSM could learn from this as well:
To confused journalists, what @GovChristie is doing right now is called "leadership." Google it, then look at the White House & feel shame.
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) January 9, 2014
A ‘Bridgegate’ too far: Plouffe, MSM stoke outrage over Chris Christie, give Dems a free pass
‘I am outraged and deeply saddened’: Chris Christie issues Bridgegate statement; Lapdogs pounce
‘Ouch’: Former Obama staffer issued reminder after mocking Chris Christie ‘Bridgegate’ response
‘Absolutely surreal’: Rep. Elijah Cummings statement about ‘Bridgegate’ bereft of self-awareness
‘People died’: Christine Teigen predicts lawsuits over ‘Bridgegate’
Daniel Hannan tells Chris Christie ‘where you made your blunder’ on ‘Bridgegate’
‘Unfreakin’ real’: Sleazy Politico goes ‘beyond poor taste’ with hashtag for NJ bridge scandal
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