Lefty gay rights activists are up in arms over comments Phil Robertson made regarding homosexuality. The “Duck Dynasty” patriarch told GQ that he believes homosexuality is a sin:
“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”
Many were quick to pounce on Robertson’s comments, denouncing him as a homophobe and using the remarks as evidence that committed Christians are intolerant bigots.
This just in: Christian redneck also anti-gay bigot. The world reels in shock. http://t.co/XPRYUbRYXi #DuckDynasty #huffpo
— Brendan (@BeeLot) December 18, 2013
proud to say i never liked #duckdynasty. please. he didn't need to say it. i can smell #philrobertson's bigotry clear across the country.
— PattyChocolateMilk (@PattyChocMilk) December 18, 2013
Their fame speaks volumes about our fucked up society. #hypocrites #hate 'Duck Dynasty' Star Makes Anti-Gay Remarks http://t.co/K0lxrcUn2l
— Ren (@Phelpsie330) December 18, 2013
lmaooooooo fuck phil robertson and duck dynasty
— Jake (@divascreech) December 18, 2013
Here’s “Ellen Show” executive producer Andy Lassner:
GLAAD spokesman and former “My So-Called Life” actor Wilson Cruz also expressed disgust:
What the DUCK??
"Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in… http://t.co/1ICY0HR7QJ
— Wilson Cruz (@wcruz73) December 18, 2013
And GLAAD issued a statement condemning Robertson:
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson uses vile stereotypes to tell GQ his thoughts on #LGBT people http://t.co/EGNnnWc9ML
— GLAAD (@glaad) December 18, 2013
But that got some people to wondering: Where was this outrage from GLAAD after Alec Baldwin was caught — repeatedly — using gay slurs?
Hmm, I don’t recall @glaad responding as quickly and as vitriolic against Alec Baldwin as they did towards Phil Robertson of #DuckDynasty.
— Queen ?? WuTang Virus ???????????? (@LaReinaCreole) December 18, 2013
.@ExPoleDancer Probably because .@glaad thinks that .@AlecBaldwin "gets it."
— Landry E. Heaton (@LanRovr0) December 18, 2013
And he's a Hollywood Limo Liberal RT @LanRovr0: .@ExPoleDancer Probably because .@glaad thinks that .@AlecBaldwin "gets it.
— Queen ?? WuTang Virus ???????????? (@LaReinaCreole) December 18, 2013
Whether or not you agree with Robertson’s views, it’s clear that they stem from his firm belief in biblical teachings. And Robertson is careful to emphasize that he is not in any position to pass judgment on someone else:
As far as Phil is concerned, he was literally born again. Old Phil—the guy with the booze and the pills—died a long time ago, and New Phil sees no need to apologize for him: “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”
Today, he responded to the criticism from GLAAD and others:
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Now, if it were Alec Baldwin we were dealing with, the response would range from feigned ignorance to physical assault. He could learn a thing or two about class from Robertson.
And from the looks of things, Robertson won’t have to defend himself by himself:
Phil Robertson's statement is only news to someone ignorant of Christianity. Moving on.
— Matt Exotic (@MattCover) December 18, 2013
Phil Robertson, honest god fearing American who speaks the truth sticks to his guns, faith and isn't caught up in social media #DuckDynasty
— Amber Kinder (@amber_kinder) December 18, 2013
#philrobertson is entitled to his own opinions and beliefs. We don't all think the same and shouldn't have to
— Christina Castrucci (@CCastrucci) December 18, 2013
Indeed. If Robertson’s critics are truly appalled at blatant homophobia, if they are truly interested in addressing genuine persecution of homosexuals, they ought to focus their attention elsewhere:
Alec Baldwin threatens ‘toxic little queen’ reporter in epic Twitter rant
‘Almost all of my best friends are gay’; Alec Baldwin’s wife defends ‘queen’ slur
‘Starf**kers’: GLAAD mocked for giving Alec Baldwin a free pass
ABC News reports on Alec Baldwin’s ‘alleged’ slur
Anderson Cooper: ‘Why does Alec Baldwin get a pass?’ Conservative ‘would be vilified’
Dan Savage (sort of) defends ‘homophobic bigot’ Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin cleanses Twitter feed (again)
Shhh! Media Matters still silent about MSNBC host and homophobic bigot Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin: I didn’t know calling someone ‘c**ksucker’ is anti-gay
Alec Baldwin loses battle with ‘fundamentalist wing of gay advocacy’
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