Just how many women made Carlos Danger‘s virtual acquaintance? Well, he’s not really sure:
“There are a few. I don’t have a specific number for you,” Weiner said. “There are people I’ve had exchanges with that are completely appropriate, and that there are no pictures or illicit texts or anything. Now if those people want to say they don’t like the exchanges we had either, I don’t know where to put them.”
“It’s not dozens and dozens,” he said. “It’s six to ten, I suppose, but I can’t tell you absolutely what people are going to consider inappropriate or not.”
OK, how about an easier question? Mr. Weiner, how many ladies did you engage with after you resigned from Congress?
“I don’t believe I had any more than three.”
Really, dude? That’s your answer?
But that's just a rough sextimation @PoliticalTicker @cnnbrk Weiner estimates he sexted three women after resigning http://t.co/kHq7aUvuHy
— Charles Leerhsen (@CharlesLeerhsen) July 25, 2013
Disturbing that he has to estimate this. RT @politicalticker: Weiner estimates he sexted three women after resigning http://t.co/4dR4GTIuSr
— lisagayb (@lisagayb) July 25, 2013
C’mon, Carlos. Your judgment may be terrible, but your memory’s not impaired. What’re you trying to hide?
@PoliticalTicker Weiner estimates 3? Does that mean could have been 5 or 10?
— Gibson Fagan (@GibsonFagan) July 25, 2013
Give or take… 5? 10? RT @PoliticalTicker: Weiner estimates he sexted three women after resigning http://t.co/TmwqWDvYC7”
— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) July 25, 2013
Anthony Weiner *estimates* that he sexted three women which means at least 30
— Benjamin Dixon (@BAJDixon) July 25, 2013
It’s actually pretty impressive the way Weiner keeps finding ways to make himself look worse.
Calling it: "countless women" RT @PoliticalTicker: Weiner estimates he sexted three women after resigning http://t.co/lVlavKWnhj
— Sarah (@mamaswati) July 25, 2013
What a piece of work.
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