The Associated Press is reporting that outgoing Defense Secretary Leon “Panther” Panetta has ended the ban on women in combat.
This is big news. It certainly took many Twitterers by surprise:
Are you effing kidding me?? @AP: BREAKING: Panetta removes military ban on women in combat, opening thousands of front line positions.
— Amanda Earley (@aMMAndaPR) January 23, 2013
And Congress says what? RT @AP: BREAKING: Panetta removes military ban on women in combat, opening thousands of front line positions.
— James Joyner (@DrJJoyner) January 23, 2013
Others are concerned about the ramifications for women in the military:
Now that women can die on the front lines of the next illegal war, perhaps we'll think twice before going?
— Aramis (@aramis2377) January 23, 2013
Women in combat. Stupid idea. The first woman killed in combat, the vagina defenders will have a field day. Thanks, Panetta.
— Julie (@JulieLvsPACKERS) January 23, 2013
We’ve got to hand it to Panetta — the man knows how to make an exit.
And with that, he's outta here. MT @breakingnews: US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta removes military ban on women in combat
— TheaterPublicPolicy (@t2p2improv) January 23, 2013
Update: As usual, there are mixed messages coming out of the reports on the announcement.
Officials: Panetta opens combat roles to women
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) January 23, 2013
Breaking: Pentagon is removing the military ban on women serving in combat, opening thousands of front-line jobs.
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) January 23, 2013
Breaking: More: Defense officials don't expect the change to allow women to serve as infantry troops.
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) January 23, 2013
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