Cokie Roberts could definitely be considered a member of the Old Media Guard, but we’d still hope that she understands the difference between Twitter and Google. A set of tweets sent out from the @CokieRoberts Twitter account seem to suggest otherwise. Those tweets also suggest that Roberts is seriously jonesing for some Applebee’s:
And she wants to enjoy it in the privacy of her own home:
Twitter immediately began buzzing about Roberts’ search engine issues and obsession with eatin’ good in the neighborhood:
.@CokieRoberts yous one crazy lady
— samherrm (@samherrm) October 26, 2012
Girl, I love you like Cokie Roberts loves Applebee's dessert shooters.
— JHL (@jasunlee) October 26, 2012
@CokieRoberts: the newest member of our integrated intelligence community.
— Robert Caruso (@robertcaruso) October 26, 2012
It seems that @CokieRoberts hasn't quite grasped the concept of Twitter Also, she apparently loves Applebees.
— Nick Horowitz (@ztiworoh) October 26, 2012
Cokie Roberts has some mean boolean query skills
— Michael Moeschler (@moesch) October 26, 2012
Senility alert: @CokieRoberts thinks Twitter gives directions to Applebees #SeniorEarlyBirdSpecial
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 26, 2012
Some people, though, were skeptical about the account’s authenticity:
Looks like a parody account. I don't think the real Cokie Roberts is nearly that funny. @jtLOL @iowahawkblog
— BattleSwarm (@BattleSwarmBlog) October 26, 2012
I won't believe it until I see the "verified" check mark. RT @margafret: Cokie Roberts technically exists, @jackshafer.
— Jack Shafer (@jackshafer) October 26, 2012
Way to rain on our parade, guys. But with only 30-something tweets and around 4400 followers, we’ve gotta agree that this Twitter account isn’t connected to the real Cokie Roberts.
ILY, fake @CokieRoberts
— Zoëy McDoppelgänger (@ZoeyalaMode) October 26, 2012
crap. @CokieRoberts is a fake account
— Charlie Posner (@charlie_posner) October 26, 2012
So @CokieRoberts is a fake. Which begs the question: How did a Cokie Roberts account become a thing?
— Joe Remi (@JoeOfTheNorth) October 26, 2012
Says a lot about us, y'all, that we got so excited about a parody Cokie Roberts twitter account.
— Adam Smith (@asmith83) October 26, 2012
But it felt great, didn’t it?
It takes a real high dork level to create a fake Cokie Roberts twitter feed.
— Reid J. Epstein (@reidepstein) October 26, 2012
And brilliant. Don’t forget brilliant. Even Katie Couric and Donna Brazile were captivated:
Donna Brazile and Katie Couric are also early followers… hmm.
— American Journalists Publish Chinese Propaganda (@JohnEkdahl) October 26, 2012
Stating the obvious, Cokie Roberts account is a fake. She's not on Twitter.
— Anna Bross (@AnnaCBross) October 26, 2012
You see, Roberts evidently despises Twitter:
RT @AlexParkerDC: The real Cokie Roberts on Twitter: "Life is too short, and I really don't see any use." …
— Alex Burns (@alexburnsNYT) October 26, 2012
“Twitter is just rude,” she said. “The idea that people are sitting in a presidential speech in Congress, members of Congress are sitting there Twittering and we’re putting it on the air, I just find that appalling.”
“I don’t pay attention to it whatsoever,” said old school journalist Cokie Roberts when asked if she followed blogs, Twitter and Facebook. “Life is too short, and I really don’t see any use.”
Out of all the social media Web sites, Roberts, a senior analyst for National Public Radio and an ABC News political contributor, found Twitter to be the biggest offender.
But how can Cokie still believe such things after the beauty that Twitter hath wrought today?
So true.
Oh yes.
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