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WaPo Ed. Board says Biden's 'doing his best' with the border, especially with Congress in his way

Earlier this week, the Washington Post Editorial Board took President Joe Biden to task for avoiding the media.


They couldn’t help but be struck by Biden’s aversion to speaking directly to media, which totally came out of nowhere and definitely wasn’t characteristic of his entire presidency so far.

Anyway, it was notable to see the Editorial Board be critical of Biden. Was this a sign that the MSM is finally ready to start holding the Democratic president accountable for stuff?

Hell no, it wasn’t! Yesterday, the Washington Post Editorial Board published an opinion piece all about how Joe Biden’s doing his damnedest to keep the border crisis under control, no thanks to Congress:

More from the piece:

Republicans have bashed President Biden for immigration policy that seemed at cross purposes with itself. They have a point. The administration’s stance has featured tough talk designed to dissuade migrant crossings, which was at odds with the real situation at the border, under which well over 1 million migrants, many of them in families, have been admitted to the country. Often those migrants pursue asylum claims that can take years to adjudicate in overwhelmed immigration courts. The result has been to encourage an ongoing crush of illegal border-crossing.

Yet the Republicans’ own approach is hardly a panacea. In addition to stunts by some GOP governors, who have flown and bused migrants to Democratic states, many in the party pressed to retain the Title 42 policy, which rested on unsteady legal grounds even when covid-19 was raging and at this point would be unlikely to stand up much longer in the courts.

Those GOP governors merely gave northern sanctuary cities a taste of what border states like Texas and Arizona have been dealing with. Gave sanctuary cities what they’d been asking for for so long! Was that wrong? Should they not have done that?


Mr. Biden is right to end the use of Title 42, under which the federal government has conducted an expulsion program masquerading as a public health initiative. He also deserves credit for keeping migrant families together, a departure from President Donald Trump’s pitiless policy of separating them. Most of all, Mr. Biden should be applauded for taking steps to vastly expand the admission of refugees, including hundreds of thousands from Ukraine and Afghanistan, along with establishing wider legal pathways for others to enter the country.

Is Joe Biden keeping migrant families together? We must’ve missed that. Last time we checked, there were still migrant children wandering the streets of El Paso with nary a parent in sight. And Biden’s been in the White House for almost two and a half years. Pitiless Donald Trump left back in January 2021.

Here’s how the piece concludes:

The U.S. asylum system, designed for another era, has been in dire need of an overhaul in the 21st century. Until Congress manages to act, administrations will be forced to rely on improvisations and stopgaps, inevitably challenged in court. Mr. Biden, dealt a bad hand, has at last crafted an array of enforcement and admission policies that attempt to respond to the push driving millions of migrants toward the U.S. border. Yet the goal of an orderly border remains elusive.


Poor Joe Biden has been dealt a bad hand! He’s trying his best, can’t you see? Cut him some slack, Jack!

Joe Biden’s “best” may be good enough for WaPo, but we’re not impressed, to say the least.

All presi(D)ents, at least.

So at least Joe Biden can rest easy in knowing that no matter what he does, it ultimately won’t be bad enough to disappoint the Washington Post. Must be nice to be able to govern knowing that the media will crawl over broken glass to avoid holding you accountable and that they’ve put the bar so low that it’s crashed through the floor. Joe Biden doesn’t need that kind of stress in his life, you know?



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