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Gays Against Groomers shares purported post from parent boasting about forcibly transitioning child

Yesterday, we told you about the Louisiana mother who testified before the State House of Representatives that she first started to suspect that something was up with her young daughter when the little girl had trouble sleeping, played with toys more geared toward boys, and, of course, ate green vegetables and liked it.


As others noted, the woman couldn’t really contain her excitement about beginning the “gender affirmation” process and turning her daughter into a boy. We wish that this woman’s testimony was just a sick one-off and that there weren’t other parents like her out there. But we’d be lying to ourselves if we actually believed it, because we’ve heard way too many stories of parents who have set aside their children’s physically and emotional and mental wellbeing in order to hop on the “gender affirmation” crazy train.

And today, Gays Against Groomers shared another disturbing account, purportedly written by the parent of a trans child (the parent refers to their “son,” which we assume means that the child is actually their daughter and is being transitioned into a boy). And if you don’t come away from this feeling absolutely repulsed and terrified by what you’ve just read, well, don’t take this the wrong way, but there’s something very, very wrong with you:


Do you feel sick right now? Good. Then it means you haven’t completely lost all sense of humanity and morality.


Any parent or ostensible medical professional who would participate in such a perversion of health and science should absolutely be taken as far away from children as is humanly possible.


We want to believe it’s fake, too. And maybe it is. But unfortunately, we know that this is the reality for some kids out there, and even one child is far too many.


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