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Just got real: Jennifer Rubin vows to 'leave Twitter rather than pay Musk a single dime for anything'

As we told you yesterday, Twitter’s new head honcho Elon Musk announced that for the low, low price of $8 a month, blue-checks can keep their blue checks (and get some extra perks).


A lot of blue-checks are pretty upset. Why should they have to pay for the privilege of being verified? We can sort of understand where some of them are coming from. Verification can definitely be a useful tool and lets users know who’s who they really say they are. It definitely comes in handy for us at Twitchy, since so many of our posts are about blue-checks.

But we’re not really convinced that this is nearly as big a deal as blue-checks like, say, Stephen King are making it out to be.

King recently threatened that he’ll be “gone like Enron” if he has to pay for his blue check (though he made the threat when he believed the fee would be $20 a month). What a loss it would be for Twitter if King left.

Almost as big a loss as it would be if Jennifer Rubin peaced out:


Is that a threat, Jen? Or a promise?

Don’t laugh at her! She’s serious!

Stop making fun of her! Imagine how scared she must be to threaten to leave Twitter over this. She didn’t even leave Twitter over Donald Trump, and he destroyed our democracy!

What are we gonna do without her?

No, she won’t.


But, you know, maybe just to be safe, we should all open our hearts and wallets to help her out:

Please give if you can. Every cent counts.



Jennifer Rubin suggests that ‘if Republicans would stop inciting violence crime might go down’


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