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MUST WATCH: Arnold Schwarzenegger shares an important and powerful message with the Russian people [video]

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has more than proven himself to be a gifted and persuasive communicator, but his reach is still limited. He’s a relative newcomer to the international stage.


But maybe there’s someone else out there who can help him and Ukraine continue to win the propaganda war against Vladimir Putin. Someone who’s been globally famous for decades, someone who is just as committed as Zelenskyy to reaching out to the Russian people to show that Ukraine is not the enemy.

Someone like … Arnold Schwarzenegger. It may seems silly at first. After all, Arnold Schwarzenegger is famous for being an actor, not a diplomat. What could he possibly have to bring to the table?

As it turns out, Schwarzenegger has a great deal to bring. And his unique relationship with Russia puts him in a very unique position to make a difference. He posted a message on social media today, and it’s worth taking the nine minutes to listen to the whole thing (you may be tempted to shut it off at the mention of January 6, but please don’t):

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, you should be able to appreciate the importance of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s powerful message.


Pray that the Russian people, and the Russian soldiers fighting on behalf of madman Vladimir Putin, will receive Schwarzenegger’s message and take it to heart.

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