A lot of people are taking Texas’ heartbeat bill going into effect pretty hard.
There’s Dan Rather, of course, who suggested that people who want to protect unborn children are the kind of people who are OK with the Taliban oppressing women. Apparently CNN is also a fan of nonsensical comparisons:
CNN’s @ArevaMartin on Texas’ pro-life law: “The hypocrisy is just nauseating. You can’t wear a mask but you can decide that a woman can’t make choices about her body." pic.twitter.com/CtD8tg3Tg6
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 1, 2021
That’s not a smart take, but it’s exactly the sort of take you’d expect from a CNN legal analyst.
Just like this is exactly the sort of take you’d expect from a CNN anchor like Alisyn Camerota:
CNN’s @AlisynCamerota on Texas’ pro-life law: “The dark dystopian undertones of this just cannot be overstated” pic.twitter.com/xbTS0jb2Q7
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 1, 2021
It cannot be overstated, Alisyn? Because we’re pretty sure you just overstated it.
Oooooh. Dark Dystopian Undertones™️ … <cue scary music> https://t.co/RqFT0Wc8Y7
— Mark’s Meanderings (@marksmeandering) September 1, 2021
Babies are a dark dystopian undertone?
— J. Scott McPhee (@JScottMcPhee) September 1, 2021
“I can’t just kill my baby whenever I want to anymore, I have to do it before there’s a heartbeat. Dystopian. Dark. I can’t fathom it.” https://t.co/Yp6s5YE8Zt
— I Didn’t Vote For This Incompetent Old Clown (@corrcomm) September 1, 2021
Does Alisyn hear herself?
Because encouraging women to kill their own children is not dark and dystopian. 🤡
— pertater (@pertater1) September 1, 2021
It’s quite literally the opposite. Only in a dystopian novel would the premise be society murdering hundreds of thousands of babies for the purpose of keeping “order” or preserving “rights”
— #1 Celtic Hater (@JaylenandJayson) September 1, 2021
We cannot overstate our disgust with CNN.
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