Rand Paul kicked off the Memorial Day weekend festivities a little early today with some righteous indignation about reckless government spending on stupid and pointless things:
Sen. Rand Paul gearing up for the three-day weekend pic.twitter.com/4RWtAzPvtH
— Emily Brooks (@emilyelarsen) May 28, 2021
This is Rand Paul at his best, where he really shines.
What an icon. https://t.co/YV7HtlpAm6
— Sam Rutzick (@SRutzick) May 28, 2021
What an absolute King 👑 https://t.co/yI1W2y2OEO
— Brad Polumbo 🇺🇸⚽️ 🏳️🌈 (@brad_polumbo) May 28, 2021
All that federal tax money being wasted on who knows what https://t.co/Eaxkpk65TL
— My Old Kentucky Chicken Wolf🇺🇸 (@StrastonCalhoun) May 28, 2021
Well, evidently some people out there don’t think it’s important to know where our money’s going, particularly at a time when the government is spending so damn much of it without any regard for the fact that the money’s not there to begin with.
let's see what's going on on the floor of the US Senate … pic.twitter.com/8cRJNpTSL1
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 28, 2021
Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) morning on the Senate floor included this poster and presentation on “Cocaine and Risky Sex Habits of Quail." pic.twitter.com/fmGYpZHMxr
— The Recount (@therecount) May 28, 2021
Go figure that lefties are more upset about Rand Paul pointing out government waste than they are about government waste.
Well, this explains why his neighbor tackled him.
— We Begin Again…Fix what Trumpism Broke (@IndivisibleDPGE) May 28, 2021
Everytime Rand Paul opens his mouth, more people realize his neighbor was right.
— Keith_Simonian (@Keith_Simonian) May 28, 2021
— Jim Murtha (@JIMMURTHA61) May 28, 2021
I regret to inform you that Rand Paul is, once again, attacking federal research. He does this all the time, using misleading examples in order to push his goal of politicizing scientific research.https://t.co/z5vm70zgqr https://t.co/6yKo3WRtIT
— Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) May 28, 2021
Maybe he does it because the Democrats refuse to be honest about how much money is wasted on things that don’t matter and don’t actually benefit Americans at all.
— Kim Johnson, M.Ed. (@macchica26) May 28, 2021
This is important? What? https://t.co/NlVnVti4oQ
— Patricia Nowlin (@bonmondieu) May 28, 2021
Ah yes. Good use of time.
— TheWalburgWonder (@thewalurgwonder) May 28, 2021
Tackling the big issues, as always!
— May Kergen (@may_kergen) May 28, 2021
Considering how many trillions of nonexistent dollars Joe Biden wants to spend over the next several years, we’d actually say that government waste is a pretty big issue.
Our taxes are paying this.
— 352 G8r 🐊 (@mike4rmfla) May 28, 2021
They’re. Spending. Our. Money. On. This.
— soniccorndog (@soniccorndog) May 28, 2021
Yes. The government is spending. our. money. on. this. Maybe direct your outrage at them instead of at Rand Paul.
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