David Weissman is an Army vet, former Republican, and former Donald Trump supporter who decided there was more money in the anti-Trump stand.
But apparently when Weissman started identifying as a “Liberal Democrat,” he came to realize that it wasn’t just Donald Trump he didn’t like; he also had a lot of problems with parts of the GOP or conservative platform that have absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump.
Like gun rights, for example. Ever since Donald Trump came along, wanting to legally own an AR-15 is a sign that there’s something wrong with you:
Conservatives, if you feel that liberals don't like the AR-15 because it looks big and scary, why do you feel the need to own one? Is it to compensate for something else?
— David Weissman (@davidmweissman) March 29, 2021
What a bizarre tweet.
Conservatives who “feel the need to own” an AR-15 aren’t doing it to spite anti-gun liberals or “to compensate for something else”; they’re doing it because it’s their right. How anti-gun liberals feel about AR-15s literally has no bearing on anything.
Clever. Got any jokes about airplane peanuts?
— Anthony Bialy (@AnthonyBialy) March 29, 2021
Airplane peanut jokes would’ve been better.
Yes, it's to compensate for other guns that are less fun to shoot. Any other stupid questions?
— Eric H. (@ericinva) March 29, 2021
Oh, we’re sure David’s got lots more stupid questions where that one came from. Questions that may or may not (but most likely may) be related to penis size.
Yes. I'm compensating for the fact that my dick cannot throw a rock in a straight line at 1000ft/sec.
— Russ 김치 더줘 Emerson ♿ (@RussEmerson) March 29, 2021
“Conservatives, do you trigger the libs because I’m obsessed with your penis size?” https://t.co/AMzbtwgduO
— kaitlin, RINO oatmeal raisin cookie (@thefactualprep) March 30, 2021
What is it with y’all’s obsession with gun-owners’ cock size
— Jay (@OneFineJay) March 29, 2021
He might want to see a specialist about that.
Whatever you need to tell yourself, creep.
— I got your #Unity right here (@jtLOL) March 29, 2021
What a shame that the Right lost David Weissman.
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