Over the weekend, Nikki Haley slammed Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black” remarks:
I have struggled with Biden’s recent remarks. They were gut wrenchingly condescending. Regardless of color, gender, or class, to label any individual with what he or she is expected to think, believe, and vote is demeaning and disrespectful. Not to mention arrogant and entitled. https://t.co/L1sJ36RNfz
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) May 23, 2020
Well, for what it’s worth, New York Times contributing op-ed writer and CNN contributor Wajahat Ali disagrees with Haley’s take.
And just to show you how much he disagrees with her, he’s making her the target of his own racist take:
Desi kids never let other Desi kids grow up to be Nikki Haley. https://t.co/FsHRNAOmnH
— Wajahat "Social Distance Yourself" Ali (@WajahatAli) May 24, 2020
By “Desi,” Ali means members of the Indian subcontinent diaspora. So, basically, he’s saying that Nikki Haley’s not a real Indian-American woman because she’s got the wrong politics.
In other words, “You ain’t Desi.”
Utterly ridiculous.
— kaitlin, annie edison wannabe (@thefactualprep) May 25, 2020
Wtf is wrong with you?
— Socially & Emotionally Distanced Beard (@llcthecableguy) May 25, 2020
Well, for starters, he’s a racist.
Way to be racist
— Benjamin the Donkey (@Khans_Hawke) May 25, 2020
This is incredibly racist of you.
— Robin Josephette Biden II (@RobinJosephette) May 24, 2020
It’s what we’ve come to expect from a bigot like Ali.
Do you oppose dehumanizing people by limiting their intellectual autonomy by their race, sex, sexuality, etc?
Why would you respond to a person championing individuality and respecting the person, rather than only seeing the minority status, with such hostile mockery? https://t.co/mWNMMMQMmJ
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) May 25, 2020
They hate Republicans, but they have a special vicious hate for minority Republicans especially if they are women. @NikkiHaley rocks! https://t.co/Zbjj08IR3U
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) May 24, 2020
Given @NikkiHaley awesome professional career & accomplishments, let's hope all kids strive to give back to our country at a similar level.
— Nicholas Moreno (@TheNichMoreno) May 24, 2020
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