As Twitchy told you, the Washington Free Beacon has obtained county records that strongly suggest Elizabeth Warren has been lying about having been fired from a teaching job for being “visibly pregnant.” And FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver thinks it’s really weird that the Free Beacon’s scoop doesn’t seem to have caught on with the mainstream media:
I don't know this is a particularly serious scandal for Warren—maybe it's something that just requirers a clear explanation from her campaign—but it's interesting that it's circulating on both conservative Twitter and Bernie Twitter but getting almost no mainstream pickup.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) October 7, 2019
Yeah, really interesting.
I mean why would a candidate repeatedly lying and exploiting victim-narratives to gain advantage be a scandal??
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) October 7, 2019
Yes what could possibly explain that.
— George Smith (@P1B_WMichigan) October 7, 2019
Yes, what could possibly explain why the media are reluctant…
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) October 7, 2019
It’s a huge mystery this one…
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) October 7, 2019
Crazy that mainstream media — which has allowed Warren to skate without ever admitting she’s planning to raise taxes— would ignore a potential negative story about Warren and allow her to get by without even trying to explain.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) October 7, 2019
Yes. What a shock that mainstream outlets won’t report negative stories about The Precious. Never seen that before.
— Luke Thompson (@ltthompso) October 7, 2019
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