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'Run with this'! You'll never guess what media are blaming Donald Trump for now (because it's beyond ridiculous)

Wow, is there anything Donald Trump isn’t to blame for (besides anything good that happens, of course)? You probably weren’t aware of this, but apparently he’s responsible for the Nigerian Army opening fire on protesters:


More from the New York Times:

The Nigerian Army, part of a military criticized for rampant human rights abuses, on Friday used the words of President Trump to justify its fatal shootings of rock-throwing protesters.

Soldiers opened fire this past Monday on a march of about 1,000 Islamic Shia activists who had been blocking traffic in the capital, Abuja. Videos circulated on social media showed several protesters hurling rocks at the heavily armed soldiers who then shot fleeing protesters in the back.

The Army’s official Twitter account posted a video, “Please Watch and Make Your Deductions,” showing Mr. Trump’s anti-migrant speech on Thursday in which he said rocks would be considered firearms if thrown toward the American military at the nation’s borders.


So, if we’re understanding this correctly, the Nigerian Army shooting rock-wielding protesters this past Monday is Donald Trump’s fault because of a speech he gave … yesterday.

It definitely isn’t:

Naturally. That goes without saying.

What’s unbelievable is that the media think that attempting to tie the Nigerian Army’s actions to Donald Trump is remotely smart or intellectually honest. Unless Trump has unlocked the secrets of time travel, he had absolutely nothing to do with this.


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