Well, this is gross.
Bill Cosby has just been sentenced to 3 to 10 years in state prison:
JUST IN: Bill Cosby led out of courtroom in handcuffs after being sentenced to 3-10 years in prison. https://t.co/wqq3YyiSf6 pic.twitter.com/drHx3XpBpj
— NBC News (@NBCNews) September 25, 2018
On her show today, CNN’s Brooke Baldwin discussed the case with criminal defense attorney Yodit Tewolde. And that’s when this happened:
CNN guest compares Bill Cosby's sexual assault conviction to Brett Kavanaugh without any challenge from anchor Brooke Baldwin: "Anyone that's defending Kavanaugh could not in the same breath now applaud this [conviction of Cosby] … it just doesn't make any sense."
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) September 25, 2018
Watch and listen for yourselves:
CNN Guest just compared Cosby to Kavanaugh:
"A defining moment when you have someone like Cosby going to prison and someone like Kavanaugh going to the highest court in the land. Anyone defending Kavanaugh could not applaud this."
CNN Host stays silent.
This is a new low. pic.twitter.com/cqbv1dA1Q8
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 25, 2018
CNN guest compares convicted serial rapist Bill Cosby, who faced an actual trial and was found guilty, to Brett Kavanaugh who faces uncorroborated allegations from high school.@BrookeBCNN doesn’t say a word.
What is this?pic.twitter.com/wQInbCCkAH
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) September 25, 2018
Asked, and answered:
This is CNN. https://t.co/7F0CXqA38x
— Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) September 25, 2018
How sad.
What. The. Heck.
Cosby = tried and convicted with proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
Kavanaugh = not even the witnesses offered by the accusers can put him at the scene of the alleged crimes. https://t.co/M0ZUo5E79I
— David French (@DavidAFrench) September 25, 2018
Again…Why should we take @cnn seriously? The insinuation by @BrookeBCNN is embarrassing. https://t.co/Q0uMtJWjeF
— Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D., M.S. (@Neoavatara) September 25, 2018
Good question. Maybe we just shouldn’t take CNN seriously.
Again…Why should we take @cnn seriously? The insinuation by @BrookeBCNN is embarrassing. https://t.co/Q0uMtJWjeF
— Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D., M.S. (@Neoavatara) September 25, 2018
Sizzling take and yet @BrookeBCNN—who was apoplectic because @claytravis said "boobs"—had nothing to say to this one. Which is unsurprising of course (N.B. she summarized the Google diversity memo as a guy sayng "I don't like women around computers") https://t.co/LQuHDkmOFf
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) September 25, 2018
You should have said something @BrookeBCNN How will you feel when women make these unsubstantiated claims against your husband? Your father? This is uncalled for. Really disgusting that any woman would go along with this!
— scsocalgirl (@SherieC10) September 25, 2018
The silent host is the truly egregious bit. I’ve interviewed countless guests on radio. I’ve paused just to not jump on the sound bite but never let that junk go. To do so is tacit approval.
— Bill O'Neill (@billohno) September 25, 2018
Bingo. Baldwin’s silence speaks volumes — and what it says about her isn’t good.
This is @BrookeBCNN picking a side, they do not care about the reality we are in only ‘their truth’…. such garbage https://t.co/EGuyg9xnoZ
— Mujahed (@kebejay) September 25, 2018
Why do ppl hate CNN? Well for one they have been like Brooke and Don and Brian who are obviously partisan and emotional try to pass that off as real objective news…. and then they lecture us all so they can feel better
— Mujahed (@kebejay) September 25, 2018
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