As Twitchy told you, Brian Stelter made a complete fool of himself when he not only pushed Rachel Maddow’s fake news last night about the White House deceptively editing footage of Trump’s joint presser with Putin, but then doubled down on the bogus story today.
Maybe if Stelter had seen his colleague Jake Tapper’s tweet sharing CNN White House reporter Abby D. Phillip’s debunking of the story, he would’ve been a little more careful:
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 25, 2018
Hey @JakeTapper, can you have a chat with your boy over here?
He just published this story that was debunked hours ago.
Maybe just send him your tweet about it?
— RBe (@RBPundit) July 25, 2018
Well, Tapper has weighed in on Stelter’s embarrassing performance by trying to defend him to the best of his abilities:
Brian is right. What was debunked was that there was nefarious intent in the omission. But the transcript at the WH remains un-corrected. This story here is accurate:
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 25, 2018
Unfortunately, that doesn’t really help Brian’s case at all:
So… if there was no nefarious intent in the omission…
…there's no story.
— RBe (@RBPundit) July 25, 2018
Right. Brian quote tweeted the part by Rachel Maddow that was debunked by the Washington Post.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 25, 2018
I see we're running with "the spirit of the story is correct" again
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 25, 2018
The omission by itself is not why this became a story which Rachel Maddow ran with and Stelter originally retweeted
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 25, 2018
Defending a fellow reporter when they so clearly screwed up is why people dont trust the news. Brian was wrong and should say so.
— Scout (@Scout45606528) July 25, 2018
"There's no story here but we're going to push it anyway."
AKA Fake News.
— RBe (@RBPundit) July 25, 2018
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