Democrats are so much more in tune with their constituents than Republicans. Just look at Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, who hopped in an RV last month to connect with the common folk:
Very excited to hit the road next week in this. Names anyone for the RV? We are off on a “Veterans for Claire” tour on Tuesday morning.
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) May 26, 2018
More from the Washington Free Beacon:
The RV, named BigBlue by the campaign, was unveiled late last month by McCaskill, who said she was “very excited to hit the road” in it for an upcoming “Veterans for Claire” tour. The campaign kept a live blog of its three-day RV trip from May 29 to May 31, posting updates of its whereabouts.
But it seems that in all McCaskill’s excitement, she forgot to mention that her private plane was making all the same stops.
Claire McCaskill supposedly went on a folksy RV tour of Missouri.
*Purely by coincidence*, her million dollar private plane kept taking off and landing at the places she was visiting
— Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) June 12, 2018
Definitely just a coincidence.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) June 12, 2018
Now, it’s important to note that Brent Scher, who wrote the Free Beacon’s article, never once claimed that McCaskill was actually traveling using her plane, as opposed to the RV. Scher did, however, point out that McCaskill has tried funny business with her plane in the past:
McCaskill has taken steps to hide the use of her plane. In a 2017 email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the senator asked the Federal Aviation Administration to block radar tracking information on her plane from being publicly broadcast on the internet. The request blocks the ability to track her plane on websites such as
All indications from the McCaskill campaign were that she was traveling on the RV. The campaign bragged after the three-day tour concluded that it had traveled 700 miles on the RV. The campaign asked in fundraising emails for money to fuel the RV, complaining, “gas is expensive.”
“It costs us $200 just to fill up the RV and with the number of places we plan on going—that adds up fast,” the campaign wrote, without mentioning aircraft fuel costs. “Will you pitch in just $5 today to help fund our RV tour and power us to a victory in November?”
But despite the Free Beacon’s straightforward reporting, McCaskill still seemed upset about something:
Free Beacon editor Matthew Continetti had some thoughts on her reaction:
I'm puzzling over what Sen. McCaskill is talking about here. Beacon never asserts she was on the plane. Only that it tracked her route.
— Matthew Continetti (@continetti) June 12, 2018
Yet McCaskill's response suggests that she *was* on the plane, at least for part of her trip. Which had been billed as an RV tour.
— Matthew Continetti (@continetti) June 12, 2018
So not only is our story NOT "inaccurate," her response gives it legs. Is this why her campaign never responded to @BrentScher requests for comment?
— Matthew Continetti (@continetti) June 12, 2018
Could be!
Methinks she doth protest too much
— Santo10 (@trp1908_tim) June 12, 2018
Sounds guilty of something
— Timbers (@TBW234) June 12, 2018
Yeah, that’s because it looks like she is:
"Sen. Claire McCaskill on Tuesday confirmed that she used a private plane during a three-day RV tour of her state last month," reports @Politico, which gets an answer to the question I asked @clairecmc campaign yesterday
— Brent Scher (@BrentScher) June 12, 2018
when you make things worse
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) June 12, 2018
lolol talk about an own goal
— Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) June 12, 2018
More from Politico:
“I added some stops with the use of the plane, but I was on the RV so much that the broken door drove me crazy,” McCaskill said in a brief Tuesday interview in the Capitol, adding that “I even lost an iPad around a corner on the RV.”
She disputed the notion that the use of the plane allowed her to “pretend” that she was using an RV rather than the multi-million-dollar plane, reportedly purchasedby her husband’s company in 2013.
“I spent two-plus days on the RV,” McCaskill said, and the plane “picked me up at the end of one day, after I spent all day on the RV” before being used to add “some stops.” The RV wasn’t used during that added portion of the tour, she said.
Oh man.
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) June 12, 2018
Senator Claire McCaskill is telling news outlets that the story below is inaccurate, while confirming details that go beyond what we reported. Don't let her get away with it.
— Matthew Continetti (@continetti) June 12, 2018
Editor’s note: This post has been updated with an additional tweet.
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