Tweeter @philllosoraptor recently shared that he, along with members of his family, have tested positive for COVID19.
Initially, it didn’t seem to be so bad:
Thank God for in-law apartments. Everyone in my family has now tested posture for COVID (getting a test is not easy, at least not a rapid one which is booked until I got in on Sunday) and I feel fine. I guess I could be asymptomatic but yay for being a reclusive introvert!
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) November 27, 2020
But his mother’s health has rapidly deteriorated:
I know some of you have noticed my absence and seen me pop in to mention my mom but if you pray please pray as hard as you can right now. Her condition has gotten much worse rapidly over night from Covid and doctors don’t sound confident she’ll survive. Please pray.
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) November 28, 2020
The way we always should’ve handled COVID was purposefully infecting the healthy and young to build herd immunity. My siblings have covid and it’s a mild cold. They’ll be fine and quick too. We would’ve saved countless lives this way.
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) November 29, 2020
And now, his mother is dying:
I've changed my mind on COVID seeing what it's doing to my mom. For most it'll be minor, but for those at risk, it's as serious an illness as anything we know of. I know people are sick of lockdowns, but we need to do a better job of protecting the high-risk.
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) November 30, 2020
F*ck COVID, hug your parents today.
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) November 30, 2020
I want to take one more opportunity to thank everyone who has reached out to me in the last week. Unfortunately my mom won’t make it. We were informed she was dying yesterday. I got to say my goodbye last night. Lord, please give me strength because I really need it.
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) December 1, 2020
Seeing firsthand the havoc that COVID19 has wreaked on his mother has led him to rethink some of his positions on how to deal with COVID19.
And apparently that’s hilarious to some:
Reveling in the impending death of a man’s beloved mother is always a great look.
This is revolting. I cannot believe someone is attacking me behind my back, someone I've never encountered before, right now.
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) December 1, 2020
Look at this piece of trash coward pelican thing. It takes a special kind of asshole to burp up a tweet like this. Shameful.
— MearaJM (@MillennialOther) December 1, 2020
It’s such a great look, in fact, that Bulwark senior editor Jim Swift is getting in on it, too:
Swift just can’t have enough fun with this:
— Jim Swift (@JimSwiftDC) December 1, 2020
Screenshotted for posterity (not that Swift possesses the shame required to realize that he should delete it):
Charming. Just the level of Principled Conservatism™ we’d expect from a Bulwark luminary.
I find it really interesting that an account with 140 followers attracted the attention of a large blue check like yourself. Almost like this is a burner account of yours or someone you know and you're using it to mock someone suffering. You are who we thought you were.
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) December 1, 2020
Is it possible that Swift’s just retweeting one of his personal sockpuppet accounts to take cheap, nasty shots at conservatives? Well, for what it’s worth, that sure sounds like something a Bulwark troll would do.
And make no mistake: Jim Swift is a troll. A vicious one, at that.
What in the actual f**k is wrong with you.
— Cox (@HOLYSMKES) December 1, 2020
Naturally, the worst human on this platform had to weigh in.
— Julie Gunlock (@JGunlock) December 1, 2020
Jim, I cannot stress this enough, you are a bad person. Keep grifting money from gullible people while attacking someone instead of showing empathy even if they made a rationale shift in opinion. Hope you feel good about yourself.
— EJ (@Ejmiller25) December 1, 2020
Cheering for deaths to own the cons
— Guy Takfiri (@paddingtonlopez) December 1, 2020
You serious with this? What a scumbag piece of garbage waste of space you are.
— Mr. Jon (@iammisterjon) December 1, 2020
Hey Jim. You're going to hell. Not even kidding. Straight to hell.
— Jen (@CensoredJen) December 1, 2020
COVID Schadenfreude, @BulwarkOnline Edition.
These people are garbage
— definitely not Splexy ? (@SplexyWho) December 1, 2020
That claim has not been disputed.
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