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Sounds Like Trump Whistleblower May Be In SERIOUS Trouble (Hellooo KARMA)

AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File

Awww yes, the atrocious, foul, corrupt, sneaky, grifting Vindmans strike again. It would appear being a garbage human being and overall a-hole runs in the family, even with the in-laws (if you've ever come across Alexander's wife you know exactly what we're talking about). Full disclosure, I had no idea Eugene Vindman's real first name is Yevgeny, and the guy is running for office in MY STATE.

That would seem like an important thing to maybe get out there, you know?

Not to mention this little nugget about an FEC complaint being filed against him, his campaign, and some progressive vet group ...

Ya' love to see it.

From the DC Examiner:

Eugene Vindman, a Trump whistleblower-turned-Democratic congressional candidate in Virginia, is facing a Federal Election Commission complaint over his campaign’s allegedly illegal coordination with an outside group.

The complaint, filed with the FEC on Wednesday by the Functional Government Initiative, calls for the agency to investigate Vindman, the Democrat’s campaign, and a political action committee called VoteVets. That’s because, in the telling of the watchdog group, a recent interaction with the press appears to show that VoteVets, which supports progressive veterans for office such as Vindman, made an “excessive and impermissible” in-kind contribution to Vindman’s campaign.

“The public is all too familiar with politicians not acting honorably,” said Pete McGinnis, the spokesman for the Functional Government Initiative. “We hope the FEC takes these apparent violations by Mr. Vindman seriously.”

This douche-rocket is running in my state so I really really really hope they do take this seriously. 

Side-note, VoteVets has me blocked on Twitter/X, which makes this even funnier for me.

Yes, yes I did make a similar face.

They're all just so damn dirty. Every single one of them.

Yes and no. Technically, Yevgeny is also a whistleblower because he helped make it happen. From VPN:

Vindman came to national attention in October 2019 when his twin brother, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, testified before the United States Congress regarding the Trump–Ukraine scandal. Eugene received the report of President Trump's phone call from Alex and reported the call to senior White House lawyers.

So yes, both brothers suck. 

And now one of them is in hot water with the FEC.

Hello Karma my old friend ... heh.


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