As I sit at my desk writing this morning about Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Democrats in general, and the upcoming election I can't help but think to myself, 'SELF. WE STILL HAVE 14 (or so) MORE WEEKS OF THIS INSANITY. EEEEEK. THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY, HA HA'! Sure, every presidential election year is stressful and sort of crazy but this one is and has been insane. And I say that after covering the horror show that was 2020.
In the last three weeks one candidate was almost murdered (although you'd never know it by the way the media moved on) and the other candidate was kicked out by his party for being too old and replaced by some cackling hyena that nobody seems to like, even in their own party. Yet we have people on social media telling us all how excited they are for Kamala and babbling about ENERGY and ENTHUSIASM and of course, talking about how they happen to know this a Trump supporter who is now magically voting for Kamala.
Case in point:
Since you all need context spoonfed to you like babies
— Enguerrand VII de Coucy (@ingelramdecoucy) July 27, 2024
See? She just happens to know this podunk person in Iowa (love how it's IOWA) who is going to vote for Kamala.
Tell me another one.
It reminds me of all the 'woke children' we used to write about when Trump was president. Since Trump was such a monster or whatever while he was in office, all of these Leftist kids were magically showing up on social media afraid of him, asking their parents why he hated brown children etc etc ... stories so outlandish we knew their whacked-out crazy progressive parents were making them up. I honestly lost count of the number of times I wrote the phrase, 'If Trump is really so horrible and racist, why do people on the Left keep having to make up stories about how horrible and racist he is?'
Sort of like the claim Kamala is flipping Trump supporters.
She can barely convince her own party to vote for her, let alone Trumpers.