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WOW! Democrats Have Had a Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very BAD Few Days (Let Me Count the Ways!)

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

As many of you know because I can't talking about it, I was out last week for my father-in-law's memorial so I was not on to write about the worst debate performance in the history of all debate performances here on Twitchy BUT I did watch it and like many of you, sat in complete and total awe as I realized just how bad it really was. I didn't expect much from Biden, I figured he'd get lost, might snap at Trump, that he might even start wandering at some point but ... I did not expect THAT. And what was most ironic was the fact that CNN's rules which were meant to help Biden ACTUALLY helped Trump. 

He was calm, cool, collected, rationale and even presidential. The exact OPPOSITE of what CNN and Democrats wanted.

They've really had a bad few days, don't you think? From the debate to multiple SCOTUS rulings, it certainly does seem to be raining crap all over the Democrat Party and honestly, I can't think of a more deserving party, can you? 

In the political world we really see things on a pendulum, and when the pendulum swings too far one way it swings back with a VENGEANCE and yeah ... that's what we're seeing happen to Democrats in real time. And like many of you, I can't stop smiling. 


Who knew Biden's performance would be so bad that he'd have people in his own party calling on him to step down? The media clearly didn't because they claimed they were SHOCKED and TAKEN BY SURPRISE by Biden's poor performance even though we all knew they were full of it. Only a completely brain-dead moron would be surprised that Biden wasn't all there. Granted, I was surprise by how bad it REALLY was (and how they allowed it to happen in the first place) but I wasn't at all surprised by Biden being the Botox-filled, bag of brain-dead he's been since he took office. Oh, and the excuses about his having a cold, that he's not as sharp after 4:00 p.m. (or before 10:00 a.m. apparently) only served to make things worse.

Democrats, Joe is a mess BUT you guys had to know this months (years) ago. You don't get to panic at the last minute and remove the old timer now, especially since the people spoke and nominated him. This is democracy or something, right? 

Have fun with that.


You guys remember when Obama claimed the Constitution was a barrier to all of the things he wanted to get done? I suppose Communists really hate it when a Constitutional Republic gets in their way when it comes to controlling the country and utilizing the legal system to punish those who stand against them but c'mon. From Chevron to today's ruling on immunity, Democrats have had their backsides handed to them by the highest court in the land. And of course, they're crying and whining and insisting the court is corrupted because orange man bad or whatever but in the end, the Constitution is the law of the land.

If you Democrats don't like it, feel free to GTFO. 


There are plenty of evil, power-hungry, vile people in the political world because usually the sort of people we want to lead the country have no interest in being in politics in the first place SO end up with not always the best when it comes to our elected leaders. I'm honest to a fault and while I know most Democrats are bad, so are some Republicans. All of that being said, Jill Biden is one of the worst human beings on this planet. She knows her husband is not fit for his campaign or even his office, and yet she's pushing him to continue while she gets her picture on the cover of Vogue and talks openly to the president like he's a child. When she all but patted Joe on the head for answering every question? Humiliating in so many ways. I almost felt sorry for him.



Earlier today covered a story out of NBC (I know, right?!) about Biden's campaign manager meeting with his top donors and how several of them wanted a refund if Biden stepped down. Man, Kamala is a serious MESS of horrible when people would rather support someone like Joe.

All of this (and so much more) has made for a very bad few days for the Democrats.

I hope it keeps going.


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