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We Must Beat Biden. That's It ... That's the Headline

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

I find myself in a strange situation today, dearest VIP reader ... and that's the position of feeling almost sorry for Trump. Now, don't get me wrong, this is not about pitying the man because after all, he is DONALD EFFING TRUMP and I know one way or another he will beat all of these corrupt, frothy-mouthed jackholes BUT still, watching him speak today about what has happened to him almost bothered me.

For the first time ever I felt protective of him.

Weird, right?

Like he would need me or anyone to protect him? 

But there it was. Boom. That just happened.

I was protective of Donald Trump. 

It didn't help that I had just seen posts about Biden's campaign HQ cheering after they found out he'd been found guilty. Way to keep us from thinking this whole thing is political, Team Biden.


From Fox News:

Biden campaign staffers in the Wilmington headquarters reportedly erupted in cheers as news of the verdict, which found former President Trump guilty on all counts, reached the public Thursday evening, ABC's White House correspondent Mary Bruce reported.

"Our team has heard that there were cheers inside the Biden headquarters in Wilmington as the verdict was read," Bruce said on-air moments after the jury found Trump guilty of falsifying business records on all 34 charges, concluding his historic and unprecedented criminal trial.


We must not let Biden win in November.

Period. The end.

I don't care if he isn't your pick. I think we can all agree that a government that targets an individual by weaponizing the legal system must not be allowed to 'rule.' And that's what's happening here. Biden is ruling, not governing.

Or whoever is pulling his strings.

This is all incredibly ironic considering how often we head Democrats insist Trump would become a tyrant, don't you think?


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