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Lying, Vile, School Closer Randi Weingarten Can Kiss My School-Choice-Supporting A-Double-S

Lake Fong/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via AP

As my daughter is set to graduate NEXT WEEK (yeah, I can't believe it myself, I just can't), I can't help but think about her freshman year way back in 2020 when she sat on the couch 'attending' school on her computer because the teacher's union was working with Democrats to keep our schools closed. Back then, Ralph Northam was still governor and he was one of the worst, lecturing Virginians about staying home, shutting down our schools, businesses, and churches ... allowing his public health policy 'guy' insist COVID was racist and if we didn't do what we were told WE were racist too.

All while letting thugs and criminals destroy statues and downtowns during the 'summer of love.'

Man, I dislike a lot of politicians, but when it comes to Northam, it's hatred. Sorry, I know that sounds beneath me and I should be able to forgive and forget but I just can't, especially after what he did to so many kids here in Virginia.

I get it, he wasn't acting alone, the Virginia Education Association played their part as well, and I am loving watching them lose to school choice all around the country. Now. If anyone deserves to be defunded and to go 'out of business,' it's the teacher's unions and I'm not even sorry for saying so.

Randi Weingarten knows how hated she and her union (and the other union) really are, so she has been trying very hard to lie about what they did during the lockdowns, going so far as to pretend they were fighting to get the schools opened.

I know, that pisses me off perhaps most of all. Horrid woman.

And of course, per usual, Randi shut her replies down because she can't handle the truth.

She'd be better off just to admit she would only start caring about what the students need when they start paying dues. At least she'd be honest then.

I'd rather have a root canal than listen to Randi.

I'd rather eat week-old gas station sushi than listen to Randi.

I'd rather read 'Great Expectations' again than listen to Randi.

And guys, that's really bad. Heh.


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